Majeed, AasimKaur, HarpreetBhardwaj, Pankaj2020-02-202024-08-132020-02-202024-08-132020Print- 0831-2796Online-1480-3321/10.1139/gen-2019-0165http:// utilization of synonymous codons is a well-known phenomenon among living organisms. This phenomenon plays a major role in the enhancement of the accuracy and efficiency of translation. Gymnosperms are rarely paid attention in this aspect. Understanding the degree of and determining the forces influencing codon usage bias (CUB) in Taxus contorta, an endangered Himalayan gymnosperm, will prove useful in interpreting the evolutionary characteristics of this species. Using RNAseq data, 93?790 assembled transcripts were clustered into 32?701 unigenes. Around 13?061 full-length sequences were utilized for the analysis of CUB. Compositional properties showed that GC-content ranged from 28.76% to 65.22%, with an average value of 44.28%, suggesting an AT-rich genome. The mean effective number of codons (ENC) value revealed that CUB is not strong in T. contorta. The preferred codons tended to be A/U ending, whereas the avoided codons tended to be G/C ending. A P2 index of 0.54 and a Mutation Responsive Index (MRI) value of-0.02 in addition to the results revealed by the neutrality, ENC, and parity plots showed that natural selection is a predominating factor governing CUB. Mutational pressure, gene length, hydropathiciy, aromaticity, and nucleotide composition influence CUB weaklyen-USTaxus contortacodon usage biasselectionmutationRNAseqSelection constraints determine preference for A/U-ending codons in Taxus contortaArticle