Kanika2018-08-312024-08-142018-08-312024-08-142014Kanika (2014) Securing virtualization to mitigate TCP-DDOS between multiple tenants on the same physical host in cloud computing.https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/1835Cloud computing is the fastest growing technology in the IT world. The technology offers reduced IT costs and provides on the demand services to the individual users as well as organizations over the Internet. The means of cloud computing is obtained by the virtualization of the resources such as hardware, platform, operating system and storage devices. Virtualization permits multiple operating systems to run on the same physical machine. Multiple tenants are unaware of the presence of the other tenant with whom they are sharing the resources. The co-existence of multiple virtual machines can be exploited to gain the access over other tenant's data or attack to deny of services. The significant concern is insuring the security and providing isolation between multiple operating systems. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack poses a serious network security challenge to the virtualized cloud computing. All the virtual machines and the host machine shares common resources over the cloud computing. A malicious virtual machine can exhaust the common resources by flooding the co- existing VM with high rate of unreasonable network traffic. The threat of DoS attack becomes even more severe with DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack. Other virtual machines are compromised on the virtualized cloud to perform DDoS attack. The dissertation aims to provide an analysis of the different attacks raised by the multi-tenancy and the virtualization in an IaaS cloud. The research focuses on the threats arises from malicious tenants to the co-existing tenants on the same physical host. As part of the aim of this research, the terms of cloud computing, multi-tenancy and virtualization are analysed. The vulnerability of the DDoS attack by a malicious virtual machine over co-existing virtual machine in the private cloud infrastructure is explored along with a mechanism on how to approach it. The research approaches to provide a security model to mitigate the effect of denial of service attack from the virtualized cloud computing.en-USCloud ComputingMulti-tenancyVirtualizationHypervisorNetwork SecurityDDoS AttackSecuring virtualization to mitigate TCP-DDOS between multiple tenants on the same physical host in cloud computingMaster DissertationT00144