Singh, Y. PriyanandaSharma, K. MilankumarTiwari, Raghavendra PrasadPatnaik, RajeevSingh, Nongmaithem AmardasSingh, Ningthoujam Premjit2024-01-212024-08-142024-01-212024-08-142023-03-27370004610.1007/s43538-023-00162-0 Formation is well known for the presence of rich vertebrate fossil assemblages including archosaurians, cynodonts, xenacanthids, hybodonts and actinopterygians in the Gondwana succession of India. Here, we report indeterminate Sphenodontia and indeterminate Lepidosauromorpha from the Late Triassic Tiki Formation. The presently reported early diverging lepidosauromorphs might have fed on small invertebrates and small vertebrates/insects. The presence of early diverging lepidosauromorphs from the Tiki Formation extends their geographic range from Europe, N. America and S. America to the Indian sub-continent during the Late Triassic Period. Further, the reports of archosauromorph assemblages and the aquatic vertebrates from the Tiki Formation have strengthened the idea of affinities of vertebrate assemblages between Laurasia and Gondwana sub-continents of the Pangea. � 2023, Indian National Science Academy.en-USGondwanaLate TriassicLaurasiaTiki FormationVertebratesLepidosauromorphs and associated vertebrate fauna from the Late Triassic Tiki Formation, South Rewa, Gondwana basin, India: implication for paleoenvironment and paleobiogeographyArticle of the Indian National Science Academy