Singla, KomalGupta, R. K.2018-01-032024-08-132018-01-032024-08-132017Komal Singla and R. K. Gupta, Comments on “Lie symmetries and group classification of a class of time fractional evolution systems”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58 (2017) 054101 (1-5)Print- 0022-2488Online- 1089-765810.1063/1.4983050 this article, the prolongation formulae proposed in Huang and Shen [J. Math. Phys. 56, 123504 (2015)] for the analysis of time fractional systems of are proved incomplete and the required correct prolongation operators are suggested. With the help of some examples, the efficiency of the operators introduced in this study is illustrated.enComment on “Lie symmetries and group classification of a class of time fractional evolution systems” [J. Math. Phys. 56, 123504 (2015)]Article of Mathematical Physics