Bhushan, Satej2018-08-302018-08-302024-08-132018-08-302018-08-302024-08-132013Bhushan, Satej (2013) DNA Barcoding and phylogography of brown seaweeds of coasts of indian subcontinent. are one of the diverse groups of ubiquitous autotrophs. Their use as food was more or less initially confined to few East Asian and South American countries like China, Japan, Korea, Chile, Argentina and Brazil, but with the increased demand and limited supply for food combined with the medicinal properties of the marine macroalgae, they started getting the attention of policy makers and researchers alike all around the world. Brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) are mostly marine and characterized by presence of pigment fucoxanthin which gives them its coloured appearance. The present work aims to provide detailed molecular analysis of the brown seaweeds found in Indian coastal regions to study and characterize it taxonomically which has not been done till now in Indian context. Out of all the samples processed, one invasive species was detected, Sargassum zhangii, which is the first report of this algal species outside Chinese waters. The conspecificity was confirmed by a multi-faceted approach, including comparative morphology, microscopy, genetic distance analysis and computational phylogenetics using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference methods.en-USBarcodingPhaeophyceaeSargassumPhylogeographyBayesian InferencePhylogenyDNA Barcoding and phylogography of brown seaweeds of coasts of indian subcontinentMphil DissertationT00049