Kaur, Amandeep2018-07-142024-08-142018-07-142024-08-142014Kaur, A. (2014). Mobility model based performance analysis of DSDV mobile ad hoc routing protocol. Paper presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE 2014.978-1-4799-4040-010.1109/ICRAIE.2014.6909326https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/1396Wireless Networking has become the phrase du jour these days because of an attractive number of benefits it offers to the end users, by enabling them to access a wide pool of resources and information irrespective of the physical location of the devices used by them across the globe. Mobile ad hoc networks are a kind of infrastructure less wireless networks in which all the nodes act as peers and share information as well as resources. Mobile ad hoc networks are an open area of research since these have not been deployed widely yet. Every research in the field of networking focuses on the efficient, accurate, reliable, secure and immediate delivery of data. Therefore, the routing of data across the mobile ad hoc network is a major concern of researchers all over the world. Several routing protocols have been proposed and implemented to send data efficiently across mobile ad hoc networks. The performance evaluation of these protocols has been going on since a long time. In most of the studies, the focus has been on the variations in pause times and network size to measure the performance of various mobile ad hoc network routing protocols. A very few work has been done on the performance analysis of protocols by varying the underlying mobility models. Through this paper, investigations have been made into the behavior of DSDV mobile ad hoc routing protocol by varying the underlying mobility models. The metrics used to analyze the performance are Throughput, Average End to End delay, Routing overhead and Packet Delivery Ratio. ? 2014 IEEE.en-USMobile telecommunication systemsRouting protocolsTelecommunication networksThroughputDSDVFTPMANETsManhattansNS2Random DirectionRandom waypointsMobile ad hoc networksMobility model based performance analysis of DSDV mobile ad hoc routing protocolConference Paperhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6909326/International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, ICRAIE 2014