Dwivedi, Ashish RanjanRawat, Suraj SinghKumar, VijayKumar, NaveenAnand, PiyushYadav, Ravi PrakashBaranwal, SomeshPrasad, AmitKumar, Vinod2024-01-212024-08-132024-01-212024-08-132022-08-28968089610.1016/j.bmc.2022.116976http:// binding site represent a crucial target for the anticancer drug development especially in view of emerging drug resistance from the currently available chemotherapeutics. A total of 16 novel 4-N-heterocyclic-2-aryl-6,7,8-trimethoxyquinazolines were synthesized and screened for antiproliferative and tubulin polymerization inhibition potential. The synthesized compounds were evaluated against MCF-7, HeLa and HT-29 cancer cell lines and normal cell line HEK-293 T. In the series, 2?aryl group with 4?bromophenyl substitution displayed IC50 values of 6.37 �M, 17.43 �M, 6.76 �M and 4?chlorophenyl substitution displayed IC50 values of 2.16 �M, 8.53 �M, 10.42 �M against MCF-7, HELA and HT29 cancer cell lines, respectively. In the mechanistic studies involving cell cycle analysis, apoptosis assay and JC-1 studies, both the lead compounds were found to induce mitochondria mediated apoptosis and lead molecule with 4?chlorophenyl substitution displayed significant tubulin polymerization inhibition activity. In the computation studies, lead molecule displayed significant binding affinites in the colchicine domain and showed good thermodynamic stability during 100 ns MD simulation studies. 4-N-Heterocyclic-2-aryl-6,7,8-trimethoxyquinazolines showed appreciable drug like characteristics and can be developed as potent anticancer agents. � 2022 Elsevier Ltden-US6,7,8-TrimethoxyquinazolinesAnticancerAntiproliferativeCell cycleTubulin polymerization inhibitorsSynthesis and screening of novel 4-N-heterocyclic-2-aryl-6,7,8-trimethoxyquinazolines as antiproliferative and tubulin polymerization inhibitorsArticlehttps://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0968089622003698Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry