Unjum, IrfanaMishra, P. K.2018-01-042024-08-142018-01-042024-08-142016Unjum, I. & Mishra, P. K., (2016): Multidimensional Poverty in Kashmir: A Comparative Study of Anayat Pora and Sangam Villages, International Journal of Development Studies, 8(2): 20-280975-5799https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/474The purpose of this paper is to asses the nature and extent of multidimensional poverty in rural Kashmir. Being a multidimensional phenomenon poverty warrants the keen attention of policy makers to envisage it in non- conventional ways. An ominous need has been felt to swing the research exertion from more uni dimensional valuation to multidimensional estimation so as to lure proper and applied policy inputsen-USMultidimensional Poverty in Kashmir: A Comparative Study of Anayat Pora and Sangam VillagesArticle