Sharma, AkankshaKumar, AmitJaitak, Vikas2024-01-212024-08-132024-01-212024-08-132020-10-192210803310.1016/j.hermed.2020.100407http:// fistula L. (Fabaceae) is a plant species called �Aragvadha� which means �disease killer�. C. fistula consists of a large amount of medicinal properties. The plant has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient periods, because it affects all three �Doshas� i.e. Vata, Pitah, and Kapha. In the last few years, the plant has been widely explored for its array of pharmacological uses which have also been experimentally proven. It contains many chemical components having important pharmacological properties. These constituents are reported to possess various biological activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antitumor and antimelasmic. This current article will be important to investigate Cassia fistula and explore it further for determination of new potential pharmacophores that could be responsible for its activities related to the central nervous system, heart, antitumor, antioxidant and inflammation. � 2020 Elsevier GmbHen-USAnthraquinonesCassia fistulaMedicinal propertiesPolyphenolsPharmacological and chemical potential of Cassia fistula L- a critical reviewReview of Herbal Medicine