Kumar, ManishPrakash, D.Singh, C.K.Yadav, M.K.Tewari, S.Singh, Pradip K.Mahanta, B.2024-01-212024-08-142024-01-212024-08-142022-08-0116756810.1017/S0016756822000607https://kr.cup.edu.in/handle/32116/4135The Diwani hills are located SE of Balaram-Abu Road in the Banaskantha district of north Gujarat. The crystalline rocks of the Diwani hill area are a diverse assemblage of Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks. These rocks are petrologically more complex and date back to the Aravallis or earlier. The mineralogical assemblages such as grt-sp-opx-qz of these rocks indicate their origin in anhydrous or dry conditions, implying metamorphism under pyroxene granulite facies. These granulitic rocks were subjected to Delhi orogenic deformation and were later intruded by the Erinpura granite. Textural and microstructural relationships, mineral chemistry, P-T-X pseudosection modelling and the oxidation state of pelitic granulites from the Diwani hill area of north Gujarat are all part of the current approach. The winTWQ program and pseudosection modelling in the NCKFMASHTO model system utilizing Perple_X software were used to restrict the P-T evolution of these pelitic granulites. The unification of these estimates shows that the pelitic granulites reached their pressure and temperature maxima at 8.6 kbar and 770 �C, respectively. The oxygen fugacity (log fO2) versus temperature computations at 6.2 kbar revealed log fO2-T values of -13.0 and 765 �C, respectively. The electron microprobe dating of monazite grains separated from the granulites of the Diwani hills yields ages ranging from 769 Ma to 855 Ma. The electron microprobe dating presented here from the Diwani hills provides evidence for a Neoproterozoic (Tonian) metamorphic event in the Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt. � The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press.en-USAravalli-Delhi Mobile BeltgranulitesNeoproterozoicoxygen fugacityPerple_XGeochronology and oxygen fugacity of the pelitic granulite from the Diwani hills, NE Gujarat (NW India)Articlehttps://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0016756822000607/type/journal_articleGeological Magazine