Thakur, SapnaChoudhary, ShrutiSingh, AmandeepAhmad, KamalSharma, GaganMajeed, AasimBhardwaj, Pankaj2018-01-052024-08-132018-01-052024-08-132016Thakur, S., Choudhary, S., Singh, A., Ahmad, K., Sharma, G., Majeed, A., & Bhardwaj, P. (2016). Genetic diversity and population structure of Melia azedarach in North-Western Plains of India. Trees - Structure and Function, 30(5), 1483-1494. doi: 10.1007/s00468-016-1381-x931189010.1007/s00468-016-1381-xhttp:// message: Genetic structure amongM. azedarachpopulations was detected and two subpopulations were present among them. A significant ?isolation by distance? was found inM. azedarachpopulation in North-Western Plains of India. Abstract: Melia azedarach is an important forest tree with pharmaceutical, insecticidal, pesticidal, and commercial significance. It is a good reforestation tree because of its fast growth and drought hardy nature. Genetic variation in a species allows itself to adapt, evolve and respond to environmental stress. It provides the basis for survival of a species and critically influences its evolutionary potential. Assessment of genetic diversity is necessary for improvement and conservation of a species. For this, microsatellite markers are of particular interest given the attributes like co-dominance, reproducibility, hyper variability and abundance throughout the genome. In the present study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and population structure of M. azedarach, an ecologically imperative species growing in the North-Western Plains of India. We developed 43 microsatellite markers, of which 20 were subsequently employed for analysis of diversity and population structure among 33 populations encompassing 318 genotypes representing North-Western Plains of India. A moderate level of diversity (Na?=?5.1, Ho?=?0.506, He?=?0.712, I?=?1.386) was assessed. The highest value of ?K estimated using STRUCTURE indicated 2 subpopulations (K?=?2). AMOVA exhibited 73?% variation within populations and 12?% variation was found among regions. Significant positive correlation between geographical and genetic distance was found (Rxy?=?0.365, P?=?0.010). The present study lays a foundation on a better understanding of genetic dynamics of the species and reveals its diversity and population structure in North-Western Plains of India. ? 2016, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.enBiodiversityDNA sequencesForestryGenesReforestationGenetic diversityMelia azedarachMicrosatellite markersNorth-Western Plains of IndiaPopulation structuresConservationGenetic diversity and population structure of Melia azedarach in North-Western Plains of IndiaArticle - Structure and Function