Gupta, RenukaMago, MonikaGarg, Vinod Kumar2024-01-212024-08-142024-01-212024-08-142023-07-18564329510.1007/s42965-023-00315-8 present research is an attempt to manage Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), a common rice weed, sustainably by vermicomposting technology. Echinochloa crus-galli (EC) biomass blended with cow dung in combination: 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, and 80:20 with two controls 100% CD and 100% EC were vermicomposted�for 63�days. Earthworms could not grow well in feedstocks having higher percentage of EC. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total available phosphorus and total potassium in final vermicomposts were in the range of 13.6�21.5�g�kg?1, 11.8�15.9�g�kg?1, and 20.1�27.6�g�kg?1, respectively. Respiration rate (42�98 mgCO2 kg?1 VC 48�h?1) confirms vermicompost maturity and falls within the recommended limits (< 120 mgCO2 kg?1 VC 48�h?1). Vermicomposting process reduced the weed mass by 2.20�3.03 folds depicting its�effective decomposition. It was inferred from the results�that this weed can be converted into nutrient-rich manure employing vermicomposting and�this process facilitating the management of E. crus-galli in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. � 2023, International Society for Tropical Ecology.en-USEarthwormEchinochloa crus-galliFeed stockRespiration rateVermicompostingWeed massSustainable utilization and treatment of barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) weed biomass using vermitechnologyArticle Ecology