Shiyani, T.Banerjee, I.Mahapatra, Santosh K.Ray, Asim K.2024-01-212024-08-132024-01-212024-08-132021-05-18957452210.1007/s10854-021-06088-x properties have been investigated for flexible photoelectrodes containing 310�nm thick ZnO film on spin-coated ITO/PET. The high crystalline structure of ZnO was studied using x-ray diffraction pattern. A value of 3.4�eV has been estimated for optical band gap from its absorption spectra. The flexible ZnO photoelectrode was demonstrated to generate photoelectrochemical current. The photocurrents are enhanced by 4% whereas flat-band potential is shifted by 8�V due to the illumination. Values of 1.022 and 0.714 AW?1 were found to be for photo switching and photoresponsivity, respectively. ZnO/ITO/PET can be used as a substrate for making flexible hybrid PEC devices to generate solar power and solar fuels. � 2021, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply.en-USEnergy gapII-VI semiconductorsOxide mineralsPhotocurrentsSolar power generationZinc oxideCrystalline structureElectrochemical energy conversionsFlat band potentialPhoto-electrodesPhotoelectrochemical currentsPhotoelectrochemical propertiesPhotoelectrodePhotoresponsivityPhotoelectrochemical cellsFlexible zinc oxide photoelectrode for photo electrochemical energy conversionArticle of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics