Correa, A.Barbosa, D.A.B.De Menezes, A.S.Valente-Rodrigues, C.L.Sharma, Surender KumarSantos, C.C.2024-01-212024-08-132024-01-212024-08-132023-07-052469995010.1103/PhysRevB.108.014101 show the role of strain in magnetoelectric effect through coupling between order parameters and their interplay using infrared/Raman-active optical phonons in hexagonal manganite (h-ErMnO3). The magnetoelectric coupling is arbitrated through strain from infrared-active phonons, which by symmetry are also Raman active. The identification of the primitive order parameters by spin-phonon coupling opens a promising avenue to realize the strategy based on coupling of spins, optical phonons, and strain to create magnetoelectrics with strain-mediated interaction through spin-lattice coupling in bulk inducing a ferromagnetic-ferroelectric state in an antiferromagnetic-paraelectric phase. � 2023 American Physical Society.en-USManganitesOptical latticesFerromagnetic ferroelectricsInfrared-active phononMagnetoelectric couplingsMagnetoelectricsMediated interactionOptical phononsOptical strainOrder parameterSpin lattice couplingSpin-phonon couplingPhononsStrain-mediated magnetoelectricity probed by Raman spectroscopy in h-ErMn O3Article Review B