GagandeepMittal, Meenakshi2019-05-102024-08-142019-05-102024-08-142015Gagandeep and Mittal, Meenakshi (2015) Defence Mechanism of Distributed Reflective Denial of Service (DRDOS) Attack by using Hybrid (CPU-GPU) Computing System. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology. Vol.27 (1), PP. 31-39Online-2231-2803Print-2349-082910.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V27P106 Reflection Denial of Service (DRDOS) attack has become the daunting problem for businesses, system administrators, and computer system users. Distributed Reflective Denial of Service (DRDOS) attack typically exhausts bandwidth, processing capacity, or memory of a targeted machine, service or network. DRDOS attack reflects the traffic through reflector that becomes difficult to trace back the real attacker. Prevention and detection of a DRDOS attack is an important research topic for researchers throughout the world. Despite enormous efforts in combating DRDOS attacks in the past decade, DRDOS attacks are still a serious threat to the security of cyberspace. So a defence mechanism is used to combat the Distributed Reflected Denial of Service Attack by using additional hardware called Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) with victim�s machine called hybrid computing system. The results show that the hybrid (CPU-GPU) computing machine can handle the amplified response (i.e. 33 times more than the request packet) more efficiently than the normalmachine (with only CPU).en-USDOSDDOSDRDOSNTPSMNPDefence Mechanism of Distributed Reflective Denial of Service (DRDOS) Attack by using Hybrid (CPU-GPU) Computing SystemArticle Journal of Computer Trends and Technology