Singh, NarpinderKaur, AmritpalShevkani, KhetanEzekiel, RajrathnamKaur, PrabhjotIsono,NaotoNoda, Takahiro2018-06-082024-08-132018-06-082024-08-1320182018Singh, N., Kaur, A., Shevkani, K., Ezekiel, R., Kaur, P., Isono, N., & Noda, T. (2018). Structural, Morphological, Thermal, and Pasting Properties of Starches From Diverse Indian Potato Cultivars. Starch/Staerke, 70(3-4). doi: 10.1002/star.20170013038905638905610.1002/star.201700130 from 42 diverse Indian potato cultivars are evaluated for diversity in structural (amylose content and amylopectin chain length distribution), morphological (granules size distribution), thermal, and pasting properties. Amylose content varied between 6.5 and 32.2% while the proportion of short (DP 6?12), medium (DP 13?18), and long (DP 19?30) amylopectin chains varied in the range from 37.2 to 45.4%, 35.6 to 39.1%, and 17.8 to 24.5%, respectively. Starches with higher transition temperature showed lower enthalpy of gelatinization. The proportion of small granules (<10 ?m) correlated negatively to short amylopectin chains (DP 6?12), peak viscosity, and breakdown viscosity. Transition and pasting temperature related negatively to the proportion of short and medium chains of amylopectin (DP 6?12 and 13?18, respectively), while positively to that of long chains (DP 19?30). Peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity has a negative relation while the final and setback viscosity have a positive relation with long amylopectin chains. ? 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimenAmylopectinsChainsCyclodextrinsGelationGranulationPlants (botany)ViscosityBreakdown viscosityChain length distributionFine structuresFunctionalPasting temperaturePeak viscositiesPotato starchesSetback viscosityStarchStructural, Morphological, Thermal, and Pasting Properties of Starches From Diverse Indian Potato CultivarsArticle