Kumar, Deepak2018-07-102024-08-142018-07-102024-08-142014Kumar, Deepak (2014) Rule of Law and Human Rights in India : A Constitutional Perspective. International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities. Vol. 4 No. 1, PP. 1599-1605.2348– 9359http:// phrase ‘Rule of Law’ treasuresSupremacy of Law and it means that all are equal in the eyes of law.The Rule of Law isdeep-rooted in history and accepted as a notion by large number of nations. Itdiffers from the concept of Rule of Man. The common objective for the development in all the societies is to live with human dignity and which is possible with the practice of rule of law. Rule of law can be expressed by only by practices and these practices are possible by expressing such intentions in the Supreme law of the land. Acknowledgements of the Fundamental rights and the concept of justice of all kind in the constitution is strong evidences of the adoption of the concept of Rule of Law. The Constitution of India also focuses on the fundamental rights and also on the concept of justice according to law.en-USRule of Law and Human Rights in India : A Constitutional PerspectiveArticlehttp://www.irjmsh.com/volumedetails.aspx?vol=4&issue=1International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities