Browsing by Author "Sharma, K Milankumar"
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Item Microstructral Analysis Of Mammalian Teeth Enamel From Kutch And Siwalik Basin(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Gogoi, Bikashit; Sharma, K MilankumarThe studies area is lies along the western most part of the Indian sub-continent between, the latitude of 23.13°-24.68° N and longitude 68.10°-71.80° E, which is pre cratonic, is preserving almost a complete sequence of sedimentary deposits ranging in age from Triassic to Recent. This dissertation attempts to study the microstructural analysis of tooth’s enamel of mammals of dinotherium, gompotherium, hipparion, rhino from Miocene deposit of Kutch basin Dental materials of deinotherium, gompotherium, hipparion, rhino of Kutch basin was collected and sampled for comprehensive analysis of the microstructure of the enamel. Microstructural features of the mammalian tooth enamel used for taxonomical identification of the analysed sample. I investigated the deinotheirum, Gompotheriidae, Rhinoceritidae, hipparion. Microstructures can be analysed by the stacking pattern of the prisms, different species belonging to different family shows different types of stacking pattern called HSB. The results obtained from study of the SEM images suggest that different species of different family show different enamel prism pattern. Apart from taxonomical identification of the studied sample one can also find out dietary habits, palaeo-environment and how substances with high hardness can be chewed and grinded by enamel which is of less hardness.Item Microstructure Analysis Of Miocene Shark Teeth Of Baripada Beds, Odisha, India(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Gogoi, Bikash Jyoti; Sharma, K MilankumarThe present study focuses on the microstructures of Miocene shark teeth of different taxa. For this, samples have been collected from Baripada area, along the river Burhabalang, in the state of Odisha, a place which has undergone global marine transgression in the late Miocene age and yields a good and diverse assemblage of fossils. For the process of analysis, the samples have been polished with corundum powder mixed with one or two drops of water and etched with 2N HCl and acetone. Analysis has been done using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the results showed that the Chondrichthyan group of sharks has a single homogenous layer known as the Single Crystallite Enameloid (SCE), whereas the Neoselachian group of sharks are more advanced, complex and undergone evolution, comprising of a triple-layered enameloid, namely the Shiny Layer Enameloid (SLE), the Parallel Bundled Enameloid (PBE) and the Tangled Bundled Enameloid (TBE). The study is done to examine different microstructural forms and conduct comparative analysis. In this study, majority of the samples have shown to belong to the Neoselachian group, whilst the remaining few were shown to have Chondricthyan origin. The enameloid in the shark teeth is much harder than the dentin due to the presence of high mineral content and shows a more complex organisation of crystallites at the apical portion of the teeth.Item A new window to the fossil herpetofauna of India: amphibians and snakes from the Miocene localities of Kutch (Gujarat)(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021-11-25T00:00:00) Singh, Ningthoujam Premjit; Patnaik, Rajeev; ?er?ansk�, Andrej; Sharma, K Milankumar; Singh, Nongmaithem Amardas; Choudhary, Deepak; Sehgal, Ramesh KumarThe Miocene beds of Kutch in India are well known for their mammalian assemblages including an extinct ape Sivapithecus. We here report new amphibian and snake fossils, which have been recovered from two stratigraphic levels: the older Palasava locality which is dated to the middle Miocene (~ 14�Ma), whereas the sediments of younger sites at Tappar and Pasuda representing the late Miocene (~ 11�10�Ma). The amphibian material consists only of Rana sp., Ranidae indet. and Anura indet. The snake material is much more diverse and can be allocated to several taxa: Python sp., Acrochordus dehmi, Acrochordus sp., Ahaetuliinae indet. and Alethinophidia indet. Among all these finds, the fossils of Rana sp., Ahaetuliinae indet. and Python sp. described here form the first evidence of these taxa from the Neogene of India. The ectothermic faunas are good indicators of palaeoenvironmental conditions. The ectothermic vertebrate assemblages of these Indian localities indicate a very warm, humid/wet, tropical to sub-tropical environmental conditions during the middle and late Miocene. � 2021, Senckenberg Gesellschaft f�r Naturforschung and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Item Paleoclimate And Paleoenvironment Analysis Of Panchet Formation Of Damodar Basin, India Using Xrd Analysis(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Boral, Nandan; Sharma, K MilankumarThe bulk rock geochemistry of 14 samples collected from the Asansol district, West Bengal, India, from the Northern bank of the river Damodar were analysed using XRD. The studied area belongs to the Panchet Formation of Lower Triassic age of Lower Gondwana group of rocks. The major analysis has been done using the clay mineralogy. These data enables to reconstruct the ancient environmental and climatic condition during the deposition. Samples were dried in an oven up to 65°c temperature for a week and grinded to finest level in Retch RS200.Raw XRD data receive were analysed in X'Pert high software. SEM samples were prepared by disintegrating sandstone with Hydrogen peroxide. Equal sized quartz grains were analyzed under Carl Zeiss Merlin Compact 6073 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope and their surface textures observed. Three major clays (Smectite, Illite and Kaolinite) have been identified for the correlation with different sections. The percentage of these three clays calculated manually. Presence of high Smectite with Kaolinite indicates warm humid environment of formation, with rainfall ranging from 50-150 cm, higher amount of Smectite over Kaolinite indicates variation in seasonality during the deposition.Item Sharks and rays (chondrichthyes, elasmobranchii) from the miocene sediments of Kutch, Gujarat, India: paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographic implications(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021-03-05T00:00:00) Sharma, K Milankumar; Singh, N Amardas; Patnaik, Rajeev; Tiwari, R.P.; Singh, Ningthoujam Premjit; Singh, Y Priyananda; Choudhary, Deepak; Lalotra, Sushil KumarWe report here a diverse assemblage of sharks and batoids representing the genera Carcharhinus, Rhizoprionodon, Galeocerdo, Sphyrna, Myliobatis, Aetobatus, Dasyatis, Pastinachus, Himantura and Pristis from Tapar and Jangadia the two late and early Miocene sites, respectively, of Kutch (Gujarat, India). The shark Rhizoprionodon and batoids, Dasyatis rugosa, D. cf. probsti, Dasyatis sp., Pastinachus and Himantura are being reported for the first time from the Miocene of western coast of India. The presence of Carcharhinus sp., Rhizoprionodon sp., Lamna sp., Negaprion sp., Sphyrna lewini, Myliobatis sp., Aetobatus sp. in the early Miocene Khari Nadi Formation exposed at Jangadia suggest existence of lagoonal, near shore to outer shelf environment. The rich batoid assemblage at the Late Miocene hominoid (Sivapithecus) bearing site of Tapar indicates the presence of a fresh to brackish water environmental condition. The faunal similarity of Miocene chondrichthyan of Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea regions has been assessed using the beta diversity (S�rensen�Dice coefficient) data. The early Miocene elasmobranchs from Kutch shows close affinities with those from Mediterranean Sea. Similarly, in the Indian Ocean region Miocene fauna of Kutch shows close similarity with those of Baripada Beds, Orissa, Bhuban Formation of Mizoram, Gogha Coast, Piram Island and Madagascar. � 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Item Study of Late Triassic Vertebrate Fossils from Tiki Formation, Shahdol District, Madhya Pradesh(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Hussain, Shabeer; Sharma, K MilankumarThe objective of the study is to analysis the micro-vertebrate fossil assemblage from Tiki Formation of Late Triassic period and also reveals the significance of paleo-geography and paleo-environment of Tiki Formation, Shahdol District, Madhya Pradesh. Approximately, 1200kg of sample have been collected from Shahdol district, MP. After, washing it properly with water, acetic acid and kerosene, Trinocular Microscope is used for further analysis. Micro-vertebrates which are found in study are Cladodus sp., Actinopterygiian fish, Coelacanthidae fish, Metoposaurian clavicle, Parvodus tikinesis, Archosauriformes indent., Rewacondon tikiensis, Parasuchus hispoli, cynodont, Phytosaur. These faunas are closely resembles with different formation such as Maleri formation in Pranhita-Godavari basin, India, Santa Maria formation of Brazil, Ischiguelasto formation of Argentina, Chinli formation of USA, Dockum fauna of North America with the possibly migration occur during Late Triassic through northern Africa. Thus, it show the global palaeo-biogeographic scenario of Late Triassic time is closely co-relatable Late Triassic taxa in different continents which might have served a relatively rapid intercontinent passage of the vertebrate community extending across the ancient Supercontinent, Pangea.Item Study Of Micovertebrate Fossils From Miocene Of Kutch, Gujarat(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Mohanta. Santanu Kumar; Sharma, K MilankumarThe objective of the study is to analyse the microvertebrate fossil assemblages from Chhasra Formation of Upper Miocene age to reveal the significance of palaeo-environment of Chhasra Formation, Kutch District, Gujarat. Approximately 800 kg of fossil samples have been collected from the Tappar area. After washing it properly with water, acetic acid and kerosene, Trinocular microscope is used for further analysis. Microvertebrates which have been found from the from the study area are Cyprinidae fish, Barbus sp., Rodent teeth, Batoids teeth, etc. The fossil fauna of Kutch closely resemble with Miocene formations of Indian sub-continent such as Siwaliks, Baripada Beds, Miocene of Tripura and Mizoram etc. and also from some other countries like Late Miocene of the Western Parathyes, Turkey and also Cenozoic of South-eastern Europe. Thus, the fossil faunas of Kutch serve as an important role for fossil community during Miocene age.