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Item Emerging Security Architecture in the Indo- Pacific Region: A Study from Indian Perspective(Central University of Punjab, 2020) Kumar, Shiv; Verma, Sudheer SinghThe evolving Indo-Pacific Regional Security Architecture (IP-RSA) is the recent security phenomenon in the Asian continent. In fact, the Indo-Pacific region is a centre of the Asian security framework, primarily due to the changing power politics and the strategic tilt of major great powers from Trans-Atlantic to IndoPacific region. There are several geostrategic and geopolitical factors responsible behind the construction of the IP-RSA such as the US ‘Asia Pivot’ policy, China’s ‘String of Pearls’ policy and One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. Similarly, nontraditional security components like, narco-terrorism, human-trafficking, sea piracy, climate change and international terrorism are also deciding factors behind the construction of the IP-RSA. The study has used the qualitative research methodology to interpret the evolving Indo-Pacific regional security phenomenon in the region. It used the analytical method to investigate the emerging new regional security dynamics in the region. The sub-structural interview technique has been used in the research to find out the deep investigations on new regional security phenomenon and its maritime security impacts on India. In this background, the study has used the existing paradigm such as Barry Buzan and Ole Weaver’s four theoretical levels of the theory of Regional Security Complex (RSC) to interpret the enhancing Indo-Pacific Regional Security Complex (IP-RSC) in the Indo-Pacific region. It has investigated such socio-cultural, economic, political and geostrategic components of the enhancing IP-RSA. Further, limitations of the enhancing IP-RSA like, religious and ethnic diversity; lack of grand economic mechanism; geographical location and absence of leading player are also scrutinized in the future perspective. However, the study has examined the Impacts of enhancing IP-RSA on India’s maritime security in the iv IOR. In this response, India has adopted the bottom-up approach to increase its regionalism process in the Indo-Pacific region. Further, the new geopolitical and geostrategic dynamics increased India’s maritime security concerns in the IndoPacific Maritime New Great Game (IP-MNGG). Consequently, New Delhi is responding new regional security phenomenon through strengthening its geopolitical and geostrategic position especially in the IOR. The major projects and initiatives in its foreign policy such as ‘Sagar Mala’ project, ‘Act East Policy’ SAGC, AAGC and modernisation of Indian navy are part of its wider strategy against the new maritime security threats in the IOR. Hence, the region is not remained a peaceful zone due to new power dynamics in the region. The study has come-up with possible recommendations and appropriate investigation that Indo-Pacific region is not India’s desired region, but it is an India’s necessity to secure its long-time maritime security interests in the wider sphere of Indo-Pacific region. It will decide India’s future destiny in the Asian continent. Therefore, the study concludes with the new possibilities and investigations about evolving IP-RSA and its impacts on India's maritime security in the greater IOR.Item Global Environmental Issues(Manak, 2018) Verma, Sudheer Singh; Singh, Shantesh KumarItem Human Trafficking and Its Consequences: South Asian Experiences through Indian Punjab(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Kumar, Kovid; Verma, Sudheer SinghTrafficking in any form whether humans or drugs and arms is an alarming form of transnational organised crime. It is considered to be one of the severe problems of the contemporary world. Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal activity in the twenty-first century. Each year thousands of women, men and children are trafficked to use for forced labour, sexual exploitation, beggars, forced marriage, drugs and arms smuggling etc. All the activities comes under the process of illegal migration, which is supported by illegal networks. These networks are very strong and wide. The networks are continuing to desolate the world’s society as well as economies. For aspiration of better life, people migrate from one place to another place, which may be internal, regional and international migration in nature. Such trend has also been found in the case of Indian Punjab. People started to search an alternative route for migration because of the stringent migration rule adopted by the most of the country in the world. Illegally migrated people sometimes might be trapped into the case of human trafficking. As a result of it, transnational organised crimes are growing very fast. A vast number of cases of migration and human trafficking have been regarded with increasing concerns of human right violation, social and economic bleak and unlawful/undocumented node in this area. The study has discussed all the driving factors responsible for illegal migration of people and lager human trafficking. The study also understands a very need of adopting right based approach to curb the problem. The study covers all the v aspects of human trafficking and its intricate connection with migration. To make easy understanding on all the aspects of research issues, the study is divided into four sections. First section introduces the problem of unauthorized migration from Indian Punjab. Second part shows the interconnection among the issues intricate in the study. Third section testifies the ground realities in respect of theoretical aspects based on the theoretical foundations. Fourth part analyses the issues the issues and leads to conclusion and suggestions based on the brief discussion on the initiative taken at international, regional and national level to solve the problem.Item Neoliberal Politics: A Study of Restructuring of the Indian State(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Singh, Hushiar; Verma, Sudheer SinghNeoliberal Politics refers to 'economic rationalism', which is based on the efficiency of market forces and characterised it by minimal government intervention. It emerged in contrast to the welfare state model, in which the state takes responsibility for protection and socio-economic well-being of its citizens. On the other side, the neoliberal politics claims that the well-being of human can be forwarded by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills through private property rights, free market and free trade within the institutional framework. In post-independence era, Indian founding fathers constitute the developmental state structure for the welfare of the citizens. With the passage of time welfare state's institutional inefficiencies, government's unfinished distributive programmes, and slow economic progress induced the government towards neoliberal politics. Hence, in the wake of neoliberal politics in the 1980s, the Indian government has begun to transform the developmental path. Hereafter, the government has started to the institutional restructuring of the state and constituted new institutions for private entrepreneur lead development. As a result, the developmental state system has been restructured in order to free market system. With this background, the study has made an attempt to relook democratic socialist character of the Indian state and its journey from close to open market (1950 to 2014). After analysing the associated impacts on the democratic process and social welfare imperatives, the study concludes that the neoliberal politics has restructured the state institutions from the commanding control of the market system to the regulation based market system.Item Pakistan and Russia Relationship: Changing Dynamics in the Post-Cold War Era(Central University of Punjab, 2016) Singh, Besakh; Verma, Sudheer SinghIt would be an important relationship for Pakistan to become a regional partner of Russia, which is a major regional player in the South Asia. During the Cold War and the Post-Cold War era, Pakistan and the Russian Federation (erstwhile the Soviet Union) relationship fluctuated time to time. Pakistan and Russia relationship have been remained over shadow on India and United State of relationship. Both countries' relationship has positive effects on the regional and global political environment. These positive effects are in the geopolitics, economic, security, and trade. It is evident that in the post 9/11 attack, Pakistan emerged as a 'frontline state' in the 'war on terror'. Generally, nation-states follow strategies to gain economic and security related interests out of available opportunities in the world politics. It has been seen as progress in international relations when Pakistan and Russian relations recently moving towards trust zone in the Post-Cold War era. In Inspite of the limitations, the relationship has strong prospects in the Post-Cold War era. Thus, Pakistan has to keep maintain its diplomatic focus on the mutual interests through keeping friendly relations with the Russian Federation. The both countries' relations would help in easing the Political environment in the South Asia.Item Politics of Social Movements In India: An Assessment of Chipko Movement and Narmada Bachao Andolan(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Kumar, Jitendra; Verma, Sudheer SinghSocial movements are concerned with the State Activities like making law and implementation of the law directly or indirectly. In India, the genesis of movements could traced during the British's Rule. India has been experienced social reform movements during the British's rule. The social movements as such concept came into exist after independence. A social movement is a form of collective behavior of large numbers of people, which are uniting for to promote or resist change in society. The politics of social movement's mean that state actions on the issues of social movement like policy, rules and regulations. Social movements are arising issues in society and the policy makers and the politics of social movement is solving the issues with the policy or expressions of the state will. Social movements are helping to formulate the public opinion about issues and provide training of leaders who became part of the political elite. Environmental movements were considering a social movement because both have share same characteristics like collective action and promotes or resist the social problems. Environmental movement is particularly concerned to perceive the environment protection and act to bring changes in environmental policies and practices. In the 1970s, Chipko movement, an organized resistance to the destruction of forests spread throughout India and came to known as the Chipko movement. The name of the movement comes from the word 'embrace' as the villagers hugged the trees, and prevented the contractors from fallen them. In 1985, Narmada Bachao v Andolan is the most powerful mass movement started, against the construction of a huge dam on the Narmada River. In this project, we discuss the globalisation impact on the chipko movements and Narmada Bachao Andolan with the help of secondary and tertiary source of data through analytical approach. The globalisation affects the chipko movement because different environmental movements in different parts of countries use the tactics of this movement and strategies; it is only possible of globalisation. Narmada Bachao Andolan also affected by globalisation in different points like the withdrawing of World Bank grant and different international organization also support this Andolan through different perspectives like writing and media.Item The Post-Cold War Global Politics: A Study of India's Role in Nonaligned Movement(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Kumar, Manish; Verma, Sudheer SinghThe post-Second World War confrontational bipolarity enforced infant decolonised nations to adopt the policy of nonalignment to preserve their hard won sovereignty. India as pioneer nation introduced the notion of nonalignment and contributed to the development of Nonaligned Movement through prolonged collective deliberations with Asian and African countries for global peace and equitable global order. Using Nonaligned Movement's platform, India significantly gained her security, national development, and world order interests but loses some strategic interests during the war with China in 1962. However, being non-aligned, India has constructed enough capacity to cope further security challenges through building strategic alliances with suitable powers. India being a frequent participant country in periodical summits of Nonaligned Movement has committed to its principles and objectives. The end of the Cold War had posed several questions over its enduring existence in the global politics. The post-Cold War unipolarity has made Nonaligned Movement increasingly "responder" rather 'demander'. India's increased economic, military and political weight in global politics in the 21st century, realised New Delhi to calculate the potentials of Nonaligned Movement in accordance with its aspiration of great power status. In this context, by all reckoning, India is likely to be crediting the third world solidarity, nonetheless passionate for multialignment with major powers to gain its commensurate office in global governance.Item Role of the Fourth Estate in Shaping Public Opinion: A Comparative Analysis of Print Media Representations on Militancy in Punjab, 1980-1984(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Bassi, Dinesh; Verma, Sudheer SinghMedia plays a significant role in creating, moulding, rupturing and reflecting public opinion in democratic society. It is known as political in nature, and diverse players easily use it for advancing their interests. It has the potency to form an opinion as well to de-form it. It could be a vehicle of divisive politics as much as it can integrate and unite. It provides an exclusive stage to individual and groups to discuss issues of mutual interests, which in turn forms an opinion is important to society and in particular to political community. Media cannot only initiate a peace process and sustain it but also it can also instigate violence society. So media, as an independent entity provides a discursive space to opinion formation through allowing discourses among people and shapes the emotions of public may be through introducing partial information. English and Vernacular newspapers published from Punjab state such as Rojana Ajit - a Punjabi daily, Punjab Kesri – a Hindi daily and The Tribune - an English daily along with English newspapers published from New Delhi, capital of India, which having national footprints like The Times of India and The Hindustan Times have been selected for the study aimed at understanding and analysing a representation of the print media of the militancy problem in the state. The study has attempted to understand and analyse a labelling process of the print media of the v happened incidents and how much the print media was sensitive during reporting the problem and presenting diverse opinions related to the problem. The study has found the diverse role of newspapers in the representations of the incidents perpetuated by the militancy during 1980-1984. The objective of the news, the editorials and the articles published by these newspapers were not just to deliver the information but also to form an influence over the related community with favourable contents along with reaping more profits through more number of copies of the newspapers circulation. In addition, the study has done field survey of Majha, Malwa and Doaba regions of Punjab aimed at collecting information and opinions related to the problem from people whose were part of it directly or indirectly. The field study has found that various communities such as Sikhs, Hindus, Muslim, and Christian were divided ideologically. The division among communities was largely formed by the print media’s presentation of information in the forms of news, opinion, etc. related to the militancy problem in Punjab. The study has found that print media was caught in conflicting discourses in representation of militancy incidents occurred during the period. The print media has labelled the occurred violence and people involved in it according their matching ideology. The news based on the affiliated ideology of the media group has resulted into the form of the fractured public sphere. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of selective incidents represented by different newspapers endorses the diverse role of print media in context of militancy problem in Punjab. For instance, the incidents of the murder of two prominent journalists and a religious chief had representationally lost its significance due to the deviation among the print media. As, a newspaper editor has clearly criticised the role of the print media from Punjab state for distorting the facts in the news representation specifically for the business purposes. Thus, the study argues that the set positions of the various newspapers deeply affected public opinion and promoted divided media-scape as well where realities were something different but maintained accordingly.Item Securitization of Climate Change: A Case Study of India(Springer Nature, 2022-04-01T00:00:00) Verma, Sudheer SinghHumans are living in fear of risk of instability and conflicts that are arising from the interaction of climate change, environmental degradation and social, economic, demographic, and political factors. Actors�individual, community, and Mass media (as an institutional actor) are involved in the process of securitization of occurred/occurring disastrous natural phenomenon induced by changes in the Earth�s ecosystem through recalling memories in the mind of members of a society. For instance, the occurred heavy rains, floods, and droughts over different parts of India caused by variability in the pattern of weather. The changing pattern of weather is a result of rising temperature on the earth caused by human activities, which are emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It is also a tense situation for human being when they are experiencing this sort of natural disaster on frequent basis; they are also facing a sense of risk for their future based on climate change and its consequences. This chapter has attempted to illustrate natural events by shedding lights on the social, demographic, economic, and political impacts. This chapter also has attempted to explain securitization process of climate change through the understanding theory of securitization with considering examples from India. � The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022.Item The US and Russia: Politics of Spheres of Influence in the 21st Century(IUP, 2018) Shah, Shabaz Hussain; Verma, Sudheer SinghItem Women's Participation in Panchayati Raj Institution in Punjab: A Case Study of Villages - Bahadurgarh Jandian and Raike Khurd of District Bathinda(Central University of Punjab, 2018) Singh, Husanpreet; Verma, Sudheer SinghPanchayati Raj Institutions have always been considered as a means to people's participation in decision-making process regarding their development programmes. It is also materialisation of Philosophy of Gandhi regarding up liftmen of rural community and self-development through their political participation. After Feasibility study conducted by several governmental constitute committees; India have given constitutional validity to the Panchayati Raj institution through introduction of the 73rd constitutional amendment. The constitution has made provision of representation for the disadvantaged section of the society like schedule caste, scheduled tribes and women in the process of local governance as an electoral representative and a voter. To what extent are they facing hurdles to be part of the governance? The study has further made an attempt to find out that whether the conditions of women in rural area of Punjab has been changed through their participation in local governance. For the said study, there has been collected sample data of twenty women representatives. In which, some women are elected representatives of Panchayati Raj and another as voters from the two villages. These data have helped to understand women's participation along with the available theoretical works. At last, the study has found that in male-dominated society, husband of women takes decision in the name of his wife wherever or whenever women becomes a head of v the Panchayati Raj institution at village. The study also found that this has been happening due to lack of education and awareness among women at villages.