Emerging Security Architecture in the Indo- Pacific Region: A Study from Indian Perspective
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Central University of Punjab
The evolving Indo-Pacific Regional Security Architecture (IP-RSA) is the recent security phenomenon in the Asian continent. In fact, the Indo-Pacific region is a centre of the Asian security framework, primarily due to the changing power politics and the strategic tilt of major great powers from Trans-Atlantic to IndoPacific region. There are several geostrategic and geopolitical factors responsible behind the construction of the IP-RSA such as the US ‘Asia Pivot’ policy, China’s ‘String of Pearls’ policy and One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. Similarly, nontraditional security components like, narco-terrorism, human-trafficking, sea piracy, climate change and international terrorism are also deciding factors behind the construction of the IP-RSA. The study has used the qualitative research methodology to interpret the evolving Indo-Pacific regional security phenomenon in the region. It used the analytical method to investigate the emerging new regional security dynamics in the region. The sub-structural interview technique has been used in the research to find out the deep investigations on new regional security phenomenon and its maritime security impacts on India. In this background, the study has used the existing paradigm such as Barry Buzan and Ole Weaver’s four theoretical levels of the theory of Regional Security Complex (RSC) to interpret the enhancing Indo-Pacific Regional Security Complex (IP-RSC) in the Indo-Pacific region. It has investigated such socio-cultural, economic, political and geostrategic components of the enhancing IP-RSA. Further, limitations of the enhancing IP-RSA like, religious and ethnic diversity; lack of grand economic mechanism; geographical location and absence of leading player are also scrutinized in the future perspective. However, the study has examined the Impacts of enhancing IP-RSA on India’s maritime security in the iv IOR. In this response, India has adopted the bottom-up approach to increase its regionalism process in the Indo-Pacific region. Further, the new geopolitical and geostrategic dynamics increased India’s maritime security concerns in the IndoPacific Maritime New Great Game (IP-MNGG). Consequently, New Delhi is responding new regional security phenomenon through strengthening its geopolitical and geostrategic position especially in the IOR. The major projects and initiatives in its foreign policy such as ‘Sagar Mala’ project, ‘Act East Policy’ SAGC, AAGC and modernisation of Indian navy are part of its wider strategy against the new maritime security threats in the IOR. Hence, the region is not remained a peaceful zone due to new power dynamics in the region. The study has come-up with possible recommendations and appropriate investigation that Indo-Pacific region is not India’s desired region, but it is an India’s necessity to secure its long-time maritime security interests in the wider sphere of Indo-Pacific region. It will decide India’s future destiny in the Asian continent. Therefore, the study concludes with the new possibilities and investigations about evolving IP-RSA and its impacts on India's maritime security in the greater IOR.
Indo-Pacific Region, Geostrategic, Geopolitical, Regiol Security Complex, Regiol Security Architecture, India’s Maritime Security
Kumar, Shiv & Verma, Sudheer Singh (2020) Emerging Security Architecture in the Indo- Pacific Region: A Study from Indian Perspective