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    A study of youth unemployment and Labour force participation in Odisha
    (Central University of Punjab, 2017) Pattayat, Shiba Shankar; Parida, Jajati Keshari
    This study attempts to explore the recent trends and patterns of youth unemployment, sectoral employment patterns and the factors influencing youth labour force participation in Odisha. This study also attempts to project the size and composition of labour force and sectoral employments by 2019-2020 to know the size of demand-supply gap and hence to suggest appropriate policy measures. This study is based on both secondary and primary data. The major sources of secondary data are NSS (various rounds) and Census of India. NSS data is used to calculate various development statistics, whereas census population data is used to adjust the NSS estimates and obtain absolute figures. Moreover, a primary survey is conducted in Balasore district of Odisha to explore the employability pattern of ITI pass-outs. The major findings of the study suggest that youth unemployment is increasing over the last three decades in Odisha. It is high among the students who passed the secondary and above level of education. The unemployment rate among ITI pass-outs is also quite high. The unemployment rate among ITI pass-outs is higher than that of general education pass outs. The falling trend of agriculture employment due to mechanisation on one hand and non-availability of jobs in industry and service sectors on the other hand are responsible for high unemployment in Odisha. Within non-farm sector, the sub sectors like construction, labour intensive manufacturing (basic and fabricated metal, plastic products food and beverages, wood and paper products, and textile and apparel) and within service sector, subsectors like arts and entertainment, retail trade, transportation and storage, and education are deriving employment growth in recent years. vi Furthermore, this study finds that poverty and household income distress are playing an important role in the process of youth labour force participation in Odisha From the demand and supply projection of labour force, it can be concluded that the demand for labour would increase by (at most in the best possible scenario) by 4.5 lakhs per annum, whereas the supply of labour would likely to increase by 6.5 lakhs per annum. Hence, a gap of 2 lakhs per annum would be generated within labour market in Odisha. Therefore, in this context, it is suggested that the policy measure that focuses on growth of manufacturing sector along with development of social sector including education and health sectors would have greater potential for generating employment opportunities. And thereby it would help sustain the growth of jobs and the structural transformation process which started during 2004-05 in Odisha.
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    Selection for Salt Tolerance in Petunia Grandiflora
    (Central University of Punjab, 2014) Najar, Raoof Ahmad; Saini, R.G.
    Petunia grandiflora a native of South America is a popular and high value ornamental plant in the world. Soil salinity is the major abiotic stress in semi-arid Malwa region of Punjab, adversely affecting its productivity, survival and quality. In order to develop salt resistant varieties of P. grandiflora, an attempt was made to select salt tolerant seedlings from varieties Violet Blue, Giant California and Nana compecta by using ex-vitro and in-vitro methods. Seedlings were subjected to salt treatments of 100 mM, 200 mM, 300 mM, 400 mM, 500 mM and 600 mM for durations of 4 hr, 6 hr, 12 hr and 24 hours. Salt treatment reduced shoot length, leaf number and survival percentages and delayed days to 50% flowering. Variety Nana Compecta was identified as tolerant to salt and variety Giant California was most sensitive to soil salinity. In in-vitro method of gradual increase in NaCl concentration (0, 25, 50, 75 and 150 mM) from low to high level was found to be a better approach for selecting salt tolerant calli as compared to direct method in which direct transfer of calli to high salt concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mM) was found to be detrimental to callus survival and growth. Treatment of calli upto 50 mM salt concentrations was good for shoot regeneration in all the three varieties. Protocol was standardized for callus induction, direct shoot induction from leaves, shoot regeneration from callus and root induction from shoots. For callus induction, 2 mg/l 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg/l kinetin was optimum for variety Violet Blue and 1 mg/l both BAP and NAA was optimum for varieties Giant California and Nana Compecta. For direct shoot induction from leaves 2 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l NAA were good for all the three varieties. For shoot regeneration from calli, 2 mg/l BAP in combination with 0.1 IAA for variety Violet Blue and 1 mg/l both BAP and NAA for varieties Giant California and Nana Compecta were ideal. For root induction, 0.5 mg/l NAA and 0.1 mg/l IBA were ideal for all the three varieties. Seeds from plants grown ex-vitro showing tolerance to salt were harvested and stored for further testing.
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    Influence of Fertilizer industry wastewater on the germination behavior of barley (Hordeum vulgare) grains
    (Central University of Punjab, 2012) Kaur, Jaskiran; K.N., Yogalaskshmi
    Industries generate enormous amount of wastewater. Increased water crisis problems, coupled with stringent regulatory standards for wastewater disposal has necessitated the need for better wastewater treatment options. Most developing countries do not have sufficient funds to invest on technologies for treating wastewater. As agriculture demands more water, use of wastewater for irrigation would be the best option for treatment of wastewater. Using wastewater for irrigation purposes would solve the problem of water scarcity as well. In the present study, the effect of fertilizer industry wastewater on germination behaviour of Hordeum vulgare (PL-426) grains was examined. The wastewater was collected from National Fertilizer Limited, Bathinda, Punjab. The wastewater was acidic in nature and contained around 37.5% of total dissolved solids and 9.2% of total suspended solids. BOD and COD were more than that of permissible limits. The germination study was carried for a period of 6 days. For the germination study, the wastewater composition used were 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% wastewater concentrations diluted proportionately with distilled and designated as E0-E4, respectively. The growth of the grain was evaluated based on morphological and biochemical parameters. The effects were studied by comparing the growth at different wastewater concentration with that of control. Germination percentage, germination index, germination vigor index, root and shoot length, relative elongation ratio of shoot and root, fresh and dry weight, vi chlorophyll a and b, proteins and antioxidant enzymes such as peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity of grains showed significant decrease with increase in wastewater concentration beyond 50% indicating the inhibition of germination with increase in wastewater concentration. Parameters such as dry weight, chlorophyll a and b, superoxide dismutase and proteins showed higher value at 100% wastewater than control. The results concluded that the fertilizer industry wastewater can be used effectively for the cultivation of Hordeum vulgare and the maximum growth could be achieved only at 50% dilution.
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    The Post-Cold War Global Politics: A Study of India's Role in Nonaligned Movement
    (Central University of Punjab, 2018) Kumar, Manish; Verma, Sudheer Singh
    The post-Second World War confrontational bipolarity enforced infant decolonised nations to adopt the policy of nonalignment to preserve their hard won sovereignty. India as pioneer nation introduced the notion of nonalignment and contributed to the development of Nonaligned Movement through prolonged collective deliberations with Asian and African countries for global peace and equitable global order. Using Nonaligned Movement's platform, India significantly gained her security, national development, and world order interests but loses some strategic interests during the war with China in 1962. However, being non-aligned, India has constructed enough capacity to cope further security challenges through building strategic alliances with suitable powers. India being a frequent participant country in periodical summits of Nonaligned Movement has committed to its principles and objectives. The end of the Cold War had posed several questions over its enduring existence in the global politics. The post-Cold War unipolarity has made Nonaligned Movement increasingly "responder" rather 'demander'. India's increased economic, military and political weight in global politics in the 21st century, realised New Delhi to calculate the potentials of Nonaligned Movement in accordance with its aspiration of great power status. In this context, by all reckoning, India is likely to be crediting the third world solidarity, nonetheless passionate for multialignment with major powers to gain its commensurate office in global governance.
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    Ecocritical concerns in tracks by louise erdrich and the stone carvers by Jane Urquhart.
    (Central University of Punjab, 2017) Kaur, Jaskaran; Kaur, Zameerpaal
    Ecocriticism is a new approach to literature and an ecological criticism that examines the human representation of nature. Humans try to dominate the whole Earth and its inhabitants. The Ecocritical theory distributes the fundamental principle that human civilization is connected to the physical world and in return affected by it. Ecocriticism examines the critical apprehensions connected with nature such as deforestation, devastation of wildlife, overuse of natural resources, pollution regarding air, water, soil, and noise and rising level of sea water, etc. These issues are raised by scientists and environmentalists who focus on environmental issues and supremacy of man over non-human living and non-living substance. The comparative study of Tracks and The Stone Carvers reveal the ecocritical perspectives and suggest the preservation of nature and to live in peace with nature. These novels show their deep rooted social consciousness and ecological consciousness of their society. Natural environment has always remained a significant part of these texts and with the current increase environmental problems and issues, writers have exclusively paying attention on environmental problems.
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    Neoliberal Politics: A Study of Restructuring of the Indian State
    (Central University of Punjab, 2018) Singh, Hushiar; Verma, Sudheer Singh
    Neoliberal Politics refers to 'economic rationalism', which is based on the efficiency of market forces and characterised it by minimal government intervention. It emerged in contrast to the welfare state model, in which the state takes responsibility for protection and socio-economic well-being of its citizens. On the other side, the neoliberal politics claims that the well-being of human can be forwarded by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills through private property rights, free market and free trade within the institutional framework. In post-independence era, Indian founding fathers constitute the developmental state structure for the welfare of the citizens. With the passage of time welfare state's institutional inefficiencies, government's unfinished distributive programmes, and slow economic progress induced the government towards neoliberal politics. Hence, in the wake of neoliberal politics in the 1980s, the Indian government has begun to transform the developmental path. Hereafter, the government has started to the institutional restructuring of the state and constituted new institutions for private entrepreneur lead development. As a result, the developmental state system has been restructured in order to free market system. With this background, the study has made an attempt to relook democratic socialist character of the Indian state and its journey from close to open market (1950 to 2014). After analysing the associated impacts on the democratic process and social welfare imperatives, the study concludes that the neoliberal politics has restructured the state institutions from the commanding control of the market system to the regulation based market system.
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    Nuclearization in South Asia: The China Factor
    (Central University of Punjab, 2013) Mir, Arif Mohmad; Singh, Bawa
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    Structural Changes and Pattern of Agricultural Development in Kerala
    (Central University of Punjab, 2015) V.P. Sanitha; Singa, Naresh
    Structural transformation is a process by which the relative importance of different sectors and activities of an economy changes over time. The Kerala economy is also undergoing the transformation from traditional backward agrarian economy to a modern service sector led economy. The significance of the present study lies in the fact that the whole process of structural transformation of the Kerala economy has not so far been addressed in a detailed and comprehensive manner in the earlier studies. No specific attempt has been made to relate the pattern of agricultural development with the structural transformations in the Kerala economy. In this study, an attempt has been made to examine the structural changes and growth performance and pattern of agricultural development in Kerala economy. The study mainly covers a period of 1980-81 to 2010-11. The study has found that the share of primary sector in GSDP has declined sharply, but the corresponding decline in employment share has not taken place. Moreover, the excess labour force has moved from primary sector to secondary sector, thus causing abundance in secondary sector and there was only a meager increase in share of income from secondary sector in GSDP. The share of income from services sector in GSDP has increased sharply, but it failed to register a sharp increase in employment. Thus, it follows that Kerala did not experience a sequential growth process (as propounded by structural change growth theories) as the service sector led growth did not provide employment matching with its income and the process of industrialization failed to take off as share of income from secondary sector did not commensurate with the level of employment in the sector. The changes in land use pattern in Kerala were unprecedented during the past decades in terms of deforestation, increase in area as current fallow, increase in area under non-agricultural land, decrease in both net area sown and gross cropped area resulting in decline in cropping intensity. Irrigation intensity of only 20 per cent points that about 80 per cent of the cropped area is rain-fed. Kerala witnessed shift in the copping pattern in favour of non-food crops at the expense of food crops as crops such as pulses, rice, tapioca, cashewnut, ginger were replaced by commercial cash crops like rubber and coconut. The declining cultivable area, predominance of tiny and fragmented holdings, decline in work force in terms of reduction in agricultural labour and cultivator has made farming more vulnerable. Finally, the study has suggested some policy suggestions such as training to labour moved to secondary sector, keeping a check on the area under food crops, bringing more area under assured irrigation, strict law enforcing mechanism to avoid unnecessary conversion of agricultural land to non-farming activities, creation of ‘Labour Banks’ to revive agricultural economy of the Kerala.
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    Structural and Electronic Properties of Blue Phosphorene Nanoribbons
    (Central University of Punjab, 2016) Ram Swaroop; Kumar, Ashok
    Experimental discovery of graphene has opened up the door for the researcher in the field of 2D materials. After the successful synthesis of the graphene, new classes of the 2D material are emerging. Phosphorene, single layer of Phosphorous atoms, is one of those materials which was recently discovered in year 2014. In present study, we have focused on the Blue-Phosphorene nanoribbons which is one of the stable allotrope of phosphorene. Our DFT-based calculations suggest the electronic properties of blue phosphorene nanoribbons to have strong dependence on the edge structure. The passivation plays important role in the electronic properties of the Blue Phosphorene nanoribbons. In our work, we have also performed the calculations for mechanical strength, width and strain depended electronic properties of the Blue Phosphorene nanoribbons. It was found that the zigzag phosphorene nanoribbon (ZPNR) possess more mechanical strength than the armchair phosphorene nanoribbon (APNR). The electronic band gap is found to be inversely proportional to the width of the nanoribbons. On applying mechanical strain, the band gap the nanoribbon decreases and at specific high value of strain semiconductor to metallic transition occur. Our results may finds applications in Nanoelectronic devices based on the phosphorene based nanoribbons.
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    Development and characterization of genomic microsatellite markers in Melia azedarach
    (Central University of Punjab, 2014) Thakur, Sapna; Bhardwaj, Pankaj
    Melia azedarach is ecologically imperative species known for its innumerable biological benefits such as antiviral, anthelminthic, antibacterial, etc. In this study, we developed 43 genomic microsatellite markers from (AG)n enriched library and subsequently employed 23 of them for genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Melia azedarach growing in Indian Thar desert. Fourteen populations encompassing 95 genotypes were selected for analysis and we found a moderate level of diversity (Na = 3.211, Ho = 0.558, He = 0.549, P = 94.41%) in them. Gene diversity (h) among population pairs varied from 0.566 to 0.714 with very low overall genetic differentiation (F = 0.021). The highest value of ΔK estimated using STRUCTURE indicated 2 subpopulations (K=2) and admixed cluster occupied maximum area (75.79%) under Bar plot. Genetic distance based UPGMA dendrogram also identified 2 major clusters among 14 Melia azedarach populations. UNJ tree based on genetic dissimilarity clustered genotypes from different population together. No significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance was found in present study (Rxy = 0.261, P = 0.18). Allele frequency distribution under “mode-shift” indicator was normal L-shaped, suggesting populations under study are not experiencing any recent bottleneck. This study laid the foundation for more precise inference about the biogeography and management of M. azedarach in the Indian Thar Desert