Environmental Science And Technology - Research Publications
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Item Bioremediation for Sustainable Environmental Cleanup(CRC Press, 2023-10-19T00:00:00) Malik, Anju; Garg, Vinod KumarThe present book, Bioremediation for Sustainable Environmental Cleanup, has a compilation of seventeen chapters comprehensively describing the state-of-the-art on emerging bioremediation approaches employed for sustainable environmental clean-up of diverse environmental pollutants such as metal(loid)s, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dyes, pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, etc., by using bacteria, fungi, algae, higher plants, and novel materials like biohybrids, nano-biomaterials, and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4). Different bioremediation strategies such as biosorption, bioprecipitation, bioaccumulation, biodegradation, biotransformation etc. have been described in detail. The emphasis throughout, however, is on sustainable environmental clean-up. Eminent researchers from various countries located in diverse geographical areas, including Argentina, Canada, Germany, India, Pakistan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, have contributed towards the chapters of this book. � 2024 Anju Malik and Vinod Kumar Garg.Item Bioremediation: A Sustainable Approach for Environmental Cleanup(CRC Press, 2023-10-19T00:00:00) Singh, Bharti; Malik, Anju; Garg, Vinod KumarAs the world�s population is increasing by the day, the daily basis demands supplied through industries and agriculture have led to the release of contaminants into the environment resulting in a serious threat to human health and the environment. There are so many technologies for the removal of contaminants from the environment including physical, chemical and sophisticated oxidation procedures. These procedures and technologies, however, have their limitations and the end products are also harmful. As a result, there is a need to identify and investigate sustainable and eco-friendly processes that use less chemicals, are economically viable and provide non-toxic final products. One of the such attractive, stable, sustainable and eco-friendly cleaning technique to deal with this issue is Bioremediation. It is an interdisciplinary approach which includes various living organisms from the surroundings to remediate contaminated ecosystems. Toxic compounds are metabolized by many microbes to release CO2 or CH4, water and biomass. These contaminants may be metabolized enzymatically into less toxic or harmless metabolites. Furthermore, the solid waste produced by this technique has been shown to have a potential influence on soil macro- and micronutrients, indicating its use as organic manure. However, bioremediation requires further research before it could be used on a wider scale, with a focus on the environmental implications of the final products. This chapter provides a brief overview of various bioremediation approaches to remediate the polluted environment. � 2024 Anju Malik and Vinod Kumar Garg.Item Utilization of vermi-incorporated feed for the seed production of two freshwater ornamental fish, Xiphophorus helleri and Poecilia sphenops(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023-10-18T00:00:00) Sharma, Kavita; Garg, Vinod KumarIntegrated ornamental pisciculture and vermiculture is an eco-friendly cleaner technology of resource utilization contributing to the circular economy of a country. The present investigation studied the effect of earthworms, Eisenia fetida, on the seed production of ornamental fishes. Earthworms have a high crude protein and lipid content and are hence utilized as one ingredient for making fish feed, i.e., vermi-incorporated feed. Vermincorporated feed was prepared using different percentages of earthworm powder. Earthworms used for making fish feed were obtained from various vermicomposting experiments. Reproduction of swordtail, Xiphophorus helleri, and black molly, Poecilia sphenops, was assessed at different percentages of vermi-incorporated feed. The results revealed that maximum fry production was at 3% vermi-incorporated feed application in Xiphophorus helleri(293.7�22.7) as well as in Poecilia sphenops�(312.3�4.7). Minimum fry production was when fishes were fed with 1% vermi-incorporated feed. Female biomass was positively correlated (R 2=0.95-0.97) with the mean fry production in different treatments for both species. No mortality or deformities were observed during the experiment. Water quality parameters were in the optimal range for ornamental fish breeding. Results revealed that earthworm protein can be successfully used for the seed production of ornamental fish � 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.Item Introduction to environmental and green chemistry(Elsevier, 2023-09-29T00:00:00) Yadav, Sushma; Yadav, Anoop; Mohan, Chandra; Garg, Vinod Kumar; Kumari, NeerajBoth environmental chemistry and green chemistry are important and have a crucial role in the ecosystem; however environmental chemistry discusses about the environmental problems, while green chemistry provides the solution. Green chemistry is new emerging area that strives to achieve the sustainability at the molecular level. Green chemistry generally deals with reduction or minimizing the harmful and toxic chemical products with eco-friendly one. From the past few decades, green chemistry has received a remarkable attention of the researchers due to its ability to achieve environmental and economic goals by doing chemical invention. Through different major modification of green chemistry including renewable feedstocks, biocatalysts, green solvents, dual aims of environmental protection and economic benefits could be achieved. This chapter generally covers the concept of origin of environmental and green chemistry with a cohesive set of 12 principles. � 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Item Pharmaceuticals in Aquatic Environments: Remediation Technologies and Future Challenges(CRC Press, 2023-09-12T00:00:00) Garg, Vinod Kumar; Pandey, Ashok; Kataria, Navish; Faggio, CaterinaThis book covers pharmaceutical residue dispersion in the aquatic environment and its toxic effect on living organisms. It discusses conventional and advanced remediation technologies such as the use of biomaterials for the sequestration of contaminants, nanotechnology, and phytoremediation. The book includes topics such as the removal of pharmaceutical and personal care product residues from water bodies, green chemistry, and legal regimens for pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. It also covers the application of modified biochar in pharmaceutical removal. FEATURES � Explores the management of the environment through green chemistry � Describes phytoremediation technology for decontamination of pharmaceutical-laden water and wastewater � Covers the detection methods and quantification of pharmaceutical residues in various contaminated sources � Discusses ecotoxicological aspects and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment � Reviews degradation and treatment technologies including nanotechnology, biomaterials, and biochar This book is meant for pharmaceutical, toxicology, and environmental science industry experts and researchers. � 2024 selection and editorial matter, Vinod Kumar Garg, Ashok Pandey, Navish Kataria and Caterina Faggio; individual chapters, the contributors.Item Effect of Compost and Vermicompost Amendments on Biochemical and Physiological Responses of Lady�s Finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Grown under Different Salinity Gradients(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-07-28T00:00:00) Suhani, Ibha; Srivastava, Vaibhav; Megharaj, Mallavarapu; Suthar, Surindra; Garg, Vinod Kumar; Singh, Rajeev PratapIn the coming decades, the pressure to use saline water will increase as most of the natural resources with good water quality are being depleted. In order to avoid more stress on the soil plant system, a better understanding of the type of amendments and their integration with the irrigational water quality of any location-specific region is essential. Utilizing salt-affected lands in the best way possible will facilitate food security for the growing human population. An experiment was conducted with the Abelmoschus esculentus L. plant, irrigated with saline water having different NaCl gradients (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM), to evaluate the biochemical and physiological responses under different salinity gradients. Additionally, the effect of compost and vermicompost amendments in soil on plant responses to the changing salinity of irrigated water was observed. The results suggested that the addition of compost and vermicompost in soil not only suppressed the adverse impact of salinity in plants but also increased soil nutrients (TKN, OC, avail. P, avail. K and avail. Ca contents). Moreover, some biochemical parameters and plant growth parameters showed better traits in such manure-amended setups. The enhancement of proline, phenol, ascorbic acid and lipid peroxidation contents in the leaves of Abelmoschus esculentus L. under high salinity levels suggests some secondary metabolite-mediated response possibly due to stress caused by soil salt accumulations. In summary, crop production could be efficiently maintained in saline water-irrigated areas after amending the soils with appropriate organic manure. � 2023 by the authors.Item Pharmaceutical Contamination in Water and Wastewater: Remediation Technology and Future Challenges(CRC Press, 2023-09-12T00:00:00) Kataria, Navish; Yadav, Sangita; Rose, Pawan Kumar; Garg, Vinod KumarWater is an essential natural resource available on the earth for the use of human beings. Numerous new toxins build up in aquatic habitats due to industrial, agricultural, hospital, and residential discharges. Nowadays, several nations consider pharmaceutical pollution of the aquatic environment a severe environmental issue. Therefore, research focusing on the chemical identification and measurement of these substances, assessing potential biological impacts, and developing and applying state-of-the-art treatment techniques for their removal and/or mineralisation has gained tremendous attention. Conventional treatment techniques generally result in inadequate removal, toxic by-products, and sludge production and are usually ineffective in eliminating new contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the concentration of these contaminants has not been routinely evaluated since there are no precise discharge regulations. Advanced water treatment techniques are needed to treat pharmaceutical waste effectively. The present chapter discusses the potential methods for remediating pharmaceuticals from water bodies and wastewater streams, as well as advancements in remediation strategies, green chemistry, circular economy, and associated future challenges. � 2024 selection and editorial matter, Vinod Kumar Garg, Ashok Pandey, Navish Kataria and Caterina Faggio; individual chapters, the contributors.Item Green Chemistry Approaches to Environmental Sustainability: Status, Challenges and Prospective(Elsevier, 2023-09-29T00:00:00) Garg, Vinod Kumar; Yadav, Anoop; Mohan, Chandra; Yadav, Sushma; Kumari, NeerajGreen Chemistry Approaches to Environmental Sustainability: Status, Challenges and Prospective provides a comprehensive and complete overview of the emerging discipline of green chemistry and fundamental chemical principles. The book bridges the gap between research and industry by offering a systematic overview of current available sustainable materials and related information on new materials' suitability and potential for given projects. Along the way, the book examines natural and biodegradable materials while also presenting materials with multifunctional properties. Topics addressed in this book will be major accomplishments for sustainable developments in biofuels, renewable energies, and in the remediation of pollutants in water, air and soil. � 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Item Sustainable utilization and treatment of barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) weed biomass using vermitechnology(Springer, 2023-07-18T00:00:00) Gupta, Renuka; Mago, Monika; Garg, Vinod KumarThe present research is an attempt to manage Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli), a common rice weed, sustainably by vermicomposting technology. Echinochloa crus-galli (EC) biomass blended with cow dung in combination: 20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40, and 80:20 with two controls 100% CD and 100% EC were vermicomposted�for 63�days. Earthworms could not grow well in feedstocks having higher percentage of EC. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total available phosphorus and total potassium in final vermicomposts were in the range of 13.6�21.5�g�kg?1, 11.8�15.9�g�kg?1, and 20.1�27.6�g�kg?1, respectively. Respiration rate (42�98 mgCO2 kg?1 VC 48�h?1) confirms vermicompost maturity and falls within the recommended limits (< 120 mgCO2 kg?1 VC 48�h?1). Vermicomposting process reduced the weed mass by 2.20�3.03 folds depicting its�effective decomposition. It was inferred from the results�that this weed can be converted into nutrient-rich manure employing vermicomposting and�this process facilitating the management of E. crus-galli in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable manner. � 2023, International Society for Tropical Ecology.Item Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment Introduction(CRC Press, 2023-06-29T00:00:00) Dhillayan, Divya; Sabherwal, Himani; Kataria, Navish; Garg, Vinod KumarPharmaceuticals have unquestionably contributed to the health sector, well-being, and quality of life. These have made a mark in the advancement of human science. In recent years, pharmaceutical production, transportation, and usage have expanded enormously. But often pharmaceuticals are considered as emerging contaminants that require immediate intervention as there could be adverse impacts on humans and as well as non-human flora and fauna. This chapter summarises various sources, occurrences, pathways, and toxicity on humans, animals, and plant life. Different analytic techniques which are used for their detection have also been discussed in this chapter. � 2024 selection and editorial matter, Vinod Kumar Garg, Ashok Pandey, Navish Kataria, and Caterina Faggio; individual chapters, the contributors.