Environmental Science And Technology - Research Publications
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Item Vermicomposting technology for organic waste management(Elsevier, 2022-09-16T00:00:00) Sharma, Kavita; Garg, V.K.Present chapter reports vermicomposting technology for the treatment of non-toxic biodegradable wastes. These wastes generated from domestic, commercial, agricultural and industrial activities. Several methods are used for the waste management but still huge quantities of organic wastes remain unattended which is a cause of concern. Therefore, scientific and sustainable interventions are needed for the management of organic wastes. Vermicomposting is one such technique which is economically viable and has manifold advantages over other non-scientific waste disposal techniques. Vermicomposting has been well addressed in recent years and several researchers have investigated the effectiveness of vermitechnology to treat organic wastes. Although organic wastes are heterogeneous in nature but its biodegradable nature offers an immense opportunity for vermicomposting. Combined action of earthworm and microbes mineralize organic waste and transformed it into manure that has potential to solve several soil fertility and pollution related issues. Vermicomposting can also potentially be used as a bioremediation technique. Use of vermicomposting for waste treatment and bioremediation on one hand ensure agricultural and environmental sustainability and on the other hand manure is provided. Earthworms, a product of vermicomposting, can be used as feed in aquaculture and poultry industry. � 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Item Plant-microbe association to improve phytoremediation of heavy metal(Elsevier, 2022-08-05T00:00:00) Hansda, Arti; Kisku, Prem Chand; Kumar, Vipin; AnshumaliUrge of development through industrialization has led to disturbance/misbalance of the ecosystem by the release of various contaminants (heavy metals, metalloids, organic pollutants, dyes, etc.). Unlike organic contaminants, heavy metals and metalloids pose a serious threat to the flora and fauna of the surroundings due to their immutable nature. The high cost and nonecofriendly nature of physicochemical methods used for heavy metal removal lead to the innovation of the biological technique �bioremediation.� Phytoremediation is one of the bioremediation methods which use accumulator/hyperaccumulator plants for heavy metal removal from soil, sediments, or water. The phytoremediation process by using plants only is time-consuming and may result in reduced metal uptake in high levels of pollutants. High pollutant concentration may result in toxicity to the plants used for remediation purposes. This situation may be overcome by the plant-microbe association, which will result in improved plant growth and heavy metal sequestration. Various rhizospheric processes are responsible for heavy metal removal by secretion of root exudates (siderophores, carboxylic acid ions) and phytohormones, which affect the mobile and bioavailable form of heavy metals. The plant-microbe association may help in enhancing or reducing the mobility and bioavailability of heavy metal, as well as result in improved plant growth, which could result in a significant speedup of the phytoremediation process. This review enlightens the role of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) in the acceleration of phytoremediation. The metal uptake mechanisms are also discussed. � 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Item Recent advancements in hydrocarbon bioremediation and future challenges: a review(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-05-23T00:00:00) Kalia, Arun; Sharma, Samriti; Semor, Nisha; Babele, Piyoosh Kumar; Sagar, Shweta; Bhatia, Ravi Kant; Walia, AbhishekPetrochemicals are important hydrocarbons, which are one of the major concerns when accidently escaped into the environment. On one hand, these cause soil and fresh water pollution on land due to their seepage and leakage from automobile and petrochemical industries. On the other hand, oil spills occur during the transport of crude oil or refined petroleum products in the oceans around the world.�These hydrocarbon and petrochemical spills have not only posed a hazard to the environment and marine life, but also linked to numerous ailments like cancers and neural disorders. Therefore, it is very important to remove or degrade these pollutants before their hazardous effects deteriorate the environment. There are varieties of mechanical and chemical methods for removing hydrocarbons from polluted areas, but they are all ineffective and expensive. Bioremediation techniques provide an economical and eco-friendly mechanism for removing petrochemical and hydrocarbon residues from the affected sites. Bioremediation refers to the complete mineralization or transformation of complex organic pollutants into the simplest compounds by biological agents such as bacteria, fungi, etc. Many indigenous microbes present in nature are capable of detoxification of various hydrocarbons and their contaminants. This review presents an updated overview of recent advancements in various technologies used in the degradation and bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons, providing useful insights to manage such problems in an eco-friendly manner. � 2022, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.Item Brevundimonas diminuta MYS6 associated Helianthus annuus L. for enhanced copper phytoremediation(Elsevier Ltd, 2020-08-31T00:00:00) Rathi, Manohari; K N, YogalakshmiNatural occurring metal-tolerant microbial population have replaced conventional expensive metal remediation approach since the last few years. The present study focuses on investigating the potential of a copper-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacterial strain Brevundimonas diminuta MYS6 for Cu bioremediation, plant growth promotion and Cu uptake in Helianthus annuus L. Box-Behnken Design of response surface methodology optimized the influencing parameters such as pH, temperature and Cu concentration. At optimized conditions of pH (5), temperature (32.5 �C) and Cu concentration (250 mg/L), the rhizobacteria followed a sigmoid growth curve pattern with maximum Cu removal of 94.8% in the stationary phase of growth. Cu exposed Brevundimonas diminuta MYS6 produced increased EPS (18.6%), indicating their role in internal defence against Cu stress. The FTIR analysis suggested the role of carboxylic acids, alcohols and aliphatic amine groups in Cu bioremoval. Furthermore, the results of pot experiments conducted with Helianthus annuus L. var. CO4 and Brevundimonas diminuta MYS6 showed enhanced plant growth and Cu uptake. The rhizobacteria increased root and shoot length, fresh and dry plant biomass and leaf chlorophyll by 1.5, 1.7, 9.9, 15.8 and 2.1 fold. The plant biomass mediate enhanced Cu uptake in roots and shoots was found to be 2.98 and 4.1 folds higher when compared to non-inoculated treatment. Henceforth the results of the study evidence the rhizobacterial strain Brevundimonas diminuta MYS6 as an efficient bio-inoculant for copper remediation. � 2020 Elsevier LtdItem Optimization of Copper (II) Removal by Response Surface Methodology Using Root Nodule Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Vigna unguiculata(Springer International Publishing, 2016) Manohari, R.; Yogalakshmi, K.N.The present study was conducted to investigate copper tolerance and bioremediation potential in endophytic bacteria isolated from Vigna unguiculata root nodules. Total ten endophytes were isolated on yeast mannitol agar and enriched in copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) up to 500?mg/L. Four endophytes belonging to genera Bacillus and Arthrobacter showed copper tolerance. The isolates were identified as Arthrobacter tumbae MYR1, Bacillus safensis MYR2, Bacillus pumilus MYR3 and Bacillus sp. MYR4 using 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) analysis. Response surface methodology was used for copper (II) removal optimization. The model was significant with R2, P and F value of 0.9780, <0.0001, and 34.54, respectively. Results showed that highest copper (II) bioremoval of 82.8?% was obtained at pH 5.0, temperature 32.5??C, and 600?mg/L copper concentration after 168?h of incubation. The isolates were tested for plant growth promotion and all the strains produced indole acetic acid (IAA) and showed 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase activity. The study concludes that endophytic bacteria possessed greater potential for copper tolerance and bioremediation. ? 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.