English - Research Publications
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Item Beyond laughter and smiles: analytical paradigms in social media COVID-19 humour studies(Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies, 2023-08-28T00:00:00) Bageshwar, Bageshree Ramdas; Zafar, ShahilaAmid the deluge of serious social media posts regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, humorous posts brought users much-needed respite. This article reviews studies on social media-based COVID-19 humour in 42 research articles that were selected from four databases, viz. Science Direct, Scopus, Taylor & Francis, and Web of Science. After the classification and analysis of the articles on the basis of some key features, a detailed description and discussion of the findings have been carried out. The results concerning the characteristics and functions of COVID-19 humour reveal that most studies investigated image-text memes; the most important feature found was �humour�, in addition to others like sarcasm, irony, satire, criticism, juxtaposition, and locality. Intertextuality played a significant role in the structure of humorous posts, especially those related to specific countries. Additionally, it shows that although research on COVID-19 humour on social media is still in an early phase, several findings appear stable across various studies included in this review. Moreover, most humour studied is not only about the virus or the disease itself, but also focuses on absurd situations individuals found themselves in due to the pandemic and the lockdown that followed. � 2023,European Journal of Humour Research. All Rights Reserved.Item The confluence in the contemporary art world of literature and postmodern visual arts in jeff vande zande�s landscape with fragmented figures(Aesthetics Media Services, 2020-12-07T00:00:00) Thakur, Smriti; Babu, Dinesh P.The American poet, novelist and editor, Jeff Vande Zande�s Landscape with Fragmented Figures (2009) is a novel that deals with the contemporary world of art, which brings forth the intricacies of the art forms such as collage, action paintings, and drop cloths that have established a crucial distance between the present and the past world of pre-modern art. As the novel revolves around the world of postmodern visual arts and brings this subject into the literary world, it necessitates an interdisciplinary approach, which not only brings the two different academic disciplines of arts together for a critical appreciation, but also creates a new aesthetic experience in the reader, wherein visual arts is seen through the lens of literature, which helps foreground the hidden patterns and motives behind the art work, and the literary work is appreciated with a greater knowledge and understanding of the practices in and theories of the modern and postmodern art. By looking at the symbiotic relationship between visual art and literature through the novel, this study makes an attempt to contribute to the aesthetic appreciation of the engaging confluence of postmodern visual arts and literature in the contemporary world of art. By analysing the text, the study explores the phenomena that have reduced the difference between the original and copy in the contemporary art-world wherein the artist�s aesthetic sensibility seems to derive from other sources, and thus brings into critical discourse those factors that have determined the use of parody, pastiche, irony, and collage in contemporary art forms. � AesthetixMS 2020. This Open Access article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For citation use the DOI. For commercial re-use, please contact editor@rupkatha.com.Item Corpus Analysis for Literary Studies: Application and Relevance(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021-08-28T00:00:00) Zafar, Shahila; Khan, Zaved AhmedThe use of corpus tools for the teaching-learning and research of literary texts is not widespread. The present study attempts to explore the possibility of the use of corpus tools in literature classrooms. It involves the creation of a corpus of representative poetry of major English poets belonging to the Modern period of English literature, W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and W. H. Auden. Using concordance software AntConc, a corpus of Word Types and Word Tokens was prepared. The corpus data showed the most frequent words, collocations, and concordances used in the selected�poetry of the period. An attempt at juxtaposing the results of the study with the common thematic, narrative, and stylistic interpretations of the poems is made. The results also indicate the potential of enhancing the reliability of the corpus-based analysis of literary texts, especially when corpora were extensive. A significant implication of the study was found to be that the corpus-tools could play a crucial role in promoting learner autonomy in a traditionally teacher-led literature classroom. � 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.Item Critical Discourse in Punjabi(Taylor and Francis, 2023-08-29T00:00:00) Nayar, Rana; Saini, Alpna; Bansal, TaniaThis volume forms a part of the Critical Discourses in South Asia series which deals with schools, movements and discursive practices in major South Asian languages. It offers crucial insights into the making of the Punjabi language and literature, and its critical tradition across a century. The book brings together English translation of major writings of influential figures dealing with literary criticism and theory, aesthetic and performative traditions and re-interpretations of primary concepts and categories in Punjabi. It presents 30 key texts in literary and cultural studies from Punjab from the beginning of development of Punjabi language to its present form, with most of them translated for the first time into English. These seminal essays cover interconnections with socio-historical events in the medieval, colonial and post-independence period in Punjab. They discuss themes such as spiritual and aesthetic visions, poetic and literary forms, modernism, progressivism, feminism, Dalit literature, power structures and social struggles, ideological values, cultural renovations and humanism. Comprehensive and authoritative, this volume offers an overview of the history of critical thought in Punjabi literature in South Asia. It will be essential for scholars and researchers of Punjabi language and literature, literary criticism, literary theory, comparative literature, Indian literature, cultural studies, art and aesthetics, performance studies, history, sociology, regional studies and South Asian studies. It will also interest the Punjabi-speaking diaspora and those working on the intellectual history of Punjab and conservation of languages and culture. � 2023 selection and editorial matter, Rana Nayar, Alpna Saini and Tania Bansal; individual chapters, the contributors; individual translations, the translators. � 2023 selection and editorial matter, Rana Nayar, Alpna Saini and Tania Bansa.Item Revisiting Cultural Theory Through Baiga Dance-Songs(Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2023-09-16T00:00:00) Raj, PrithviCultural theory is assumed to be a tool or set of ideas to explain, interpret or analyse cultures or cultural realities. The realisation of embracing and internalising theory as a kind of transcendental signifier, within and beyond our undertaking at the same time, fixes our attention on the validity and prevalence that theory has gained in academic circles. Its ubiquity is perhaps its strength, which sustains it and makes it indispensable across disciples. However, theory has its own internal functioning, often stopping it from achieving the desired results. There is a constant need to weigh theories before we use them as tools to analyse something. The central concern of this article is to interrogate the validity and legitimacy of cultural theory to deal with problems arising in contextualising cultural theories to frame Baiga dance-songs and consequent issues arising out of it. The article points out an inherent discrepancy in cultural theory through Biaga dance-songs. � 2023 South Asian University.