Assessing Financial Integration of BRICS Equity Markets an Empirical Analysis, Emerging Economics Studies
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This article examines the degree of financial integration among the equity markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) by using monthly data collected for the period 2005–2014. The study employs Johansen cointegration test, vector error correction model (VECM), and Granger causality test which confirm the existence of relationship in the short and long run among the equity markets of BRICS. Further results exhibit that there exists cointegration or a long-run relationship among the equity markets, but weak cointegration, though the results of Granger causality test do not display existence of any causality among market pairs such as China–Brazil, Russia–Brazil, South Africa–Brazil, Russia–China, and South Africa–India. The results indicate that even though the financial integration among the equity markets of BRICS is on ascendance, it is yet incomplete. This work suggests harmonization of laws, regulations, and operations based on international principles and appropriate regulatory supervision among BRICS nations in order to minimize the risk of financial integration, besides further relaxing restrictions on capital account for expedited financial integration.
Financial integration, BRICS, Johansen cointegration test, Equity market
Prakash, Vineesh J., Nauriyal, D.K., and Kaur, Sandeep (2017). Assessing Financial Integration of BRICS Equity Markets: An Empirical Analysis. Emerging Economy Studies. Vol. 3(2), PP.127–138.