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Item Recovery Based Architecture To Protect Hids Log Files Using Time Stamps(ACADEMY PUBLISHER, 2010) Khurana, Surinder Singh; Bansal, Divya; Sofat, SanjeevAfter the great revolution in the field of Information Technology, many applications made necessity to run computer systems (either servers or client machines) all the time. Along with improvements and new inventions in technology, the threat of attacks through computer networks becomes a large issue. Host Based Intrusion Detection is a part of security system that protects hosts from various kinds of attacks. It also provides a great degree of visibility (of system activities). It is quite widest that HIDS are vulnerable to attacks. An adversary, if successfully enters in a system can disable HIDS or modify HIDS rules to hide its existence. One can easily evade HIDS. In [7] we propose a new architecture that protects HIDS from such attacks. In this paper, we have proposed a new mechanism to check integrity of log files. We have discussed its affects on performance of system.Item AODV Based Congestion Control Protocols: Review(IJCSIT, 2014) Bhatia, Bandana; Sood, NehaAd- hoc network is defined as the network in which the users communicate with each other by forming a temporary network without any centralized administration. Here each node acts both as a host as well as a router. They have highly deployable, dynamic and self-configurable topologies. Various routing protocols are defined for MANETs. These protocols may follow proactive, reactive or hybrid approach. Due to many number of nodes transmitting packets over the network, the chances of losing the packets over the network increases to a great extent. Also, with the increase in size of data packets, the congestion over the network increases which may lead to packet loses. The existing routing protocols for MANETs do not support congestion control as they are not congestion adaptive. There are many proposed protocols that are congestion adaptive and deals with the congestion over the network. This paper discusses congestion control protocols in MANETs. Also, three congestion control protocols, EDAODV, AODV-I and CRP, are discussed. Simulation results are gathered for AODV by varying the number of nodes and size of the data packets for four performance metrics, namely, throughput, routing overhead, packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay.Item Third Party Auditor: An integrity checking Technique for Client Data Security in Cloud Computing(IJCSIT, 2014) Goyal, Renuka| Sidhu, NavjotNow-a-days the concept of Cloud Computing is one of the major theories in the world of IT. Its services are now being applied to several IT scenarios. Cloud Computing is the internet based computing which provides users with a number of services. Users store their data in the cloud without the burden of local data storage. As the user no longer have physical possession of data so the integrity and security of data become the major concern in the cloud computing. Data stored on the cloud server may be get corrupted and sometimes even the cloud service provider for his own benefit like for more space on data centre can discard the user data which is not used for a longer time. In order to maintain the integrity of data, the user takes the assistance of a Third Party Auditor (TPA). The TPA checks the integrity of data on user demand and the released audit reports help the user to evaluate the risk of their services. TPA have an experience that user does not have and have capability to check integrity of data which is not easy for the user to check. This paper highlighted the basics of cloud computing, general model and different approaches used for TPA.Item Analysis of Virtualization: Vulnerabilities and attacks over virtualized cloud computing(IASIR, 2014) Kanika; Sidhu, NavjotCloud computing is the fastest growing technology in the IT world. The technology offers reduced IT costs and provides on the demand services to the individual users as well as organizations over the internet. The means of cloud computing is obtained by the virtualization of the resources such as hardware, platform, operating system and storages devices. Virtualization permits multiple operating systems to run on the same physical machine. Multiple tenants are unaware of the presence of the other tenant with whom they are sharing the resources. The co-existence of multiple virtual machines can be exploited to gain the access over other tenant's data or attack to deny of services. The significant concern is insuring the security and providing isolation between multiple operating systems. The paper explores various kinds of vulnerabilities and attacks associated with the virtualization.Item SLA Aware Approach for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Datacenter(Publishing India, 2014) Khurana, Surinder Singh; Kaur, NirmaljeetThe massive adoption of cloud computing by IT industry has caused a dramatic increase in energy consumption and its impact on the environment in terms of carbon footprints. The high cost of energy and link between energy consumption and carbon emission have raised an issue of energy management. Recently, a number of approaches have been proposed to address this issue. Most of these approaches are based upon the proper utilization of the resources. On the other side, to avoid Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations, the servers deployed in data centres can be utilized up to a maximum threshold value. To avoid SLA violation, some virtual machines (VMs) will be migrated from over utilized hosts. Although there are many techniques to select such VMs that can be migrated, but no technique considers Service Level Agreement parameters while selecting such machines. In this paper, SLA based approach to select VMs to migrate from overloaded host has been purposed. The purposed approach will work on the basis of VM categories that are negotiated in service level agreement. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach demands slightly more energy than the other efficient technique (Minimization of Migration). However, it reduces the cost paid in lieu of SLA violation as it reduces SLA violations belonging to VM categories for which SLA violation penalties are higher.Item Advance Stable Election Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network(Excel India Publishers, 2014) Singh, Mandeep; Sidhu, NavjotWireless sensor network (WSN) is an emerging research field. There are large numbers of sensors that collect and send data to base station. Saving energy by using various routing techniques is a challenge. Clustering is main technique used for this. Various protocols like SEP (Stable Election Protocol) and ESEP (Extended Stable Election Protocol) are clustering based heterogeneous aware protocols. In this paper, a new protocol ASEP (Advance Stable Election Protocol) has been proposed based on SEP. This is based on changing more efficiently and dynamically the cluster head election probability. Performance of this protocol has been evaluated in MATLAB and graphical results have been shown. The performance of ASEP is better than SEP in form of first node dies and total number of packets delivered.Item Security Enhancement in AODV protocol against Network Layer Attacks(Excel India Publishers, 2014) Singh, Khushmeet; Kaur, AmanpreetA mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless decentralized and self-configuring network in which nodes communicate with each other either directly or through intermediate nodes. Each node plays role of both transmitter and receiver. These unique features make MANET suitable for use in various emergency situations. Besides the various advantages, the open medium, rapidly changing topology and lack of centralized monitoring make MANET's vulnerable to different attacks. Hence it is vital to develop some security mechanism to protect MANET from attacks. In this paper performance of AODV Protocol is analyzed in presence of two network layer active attacks namely Blackhole and Malicious packet dropping. In active attack, an attacker disrupts the regular operation of the network, change the data or harm the system. Both these attacks are performed simultaneously on the network. Solution is proposed and simulated to prevent Blackhole attack. Malicious packet dropping attack is prevented by using watchdog intrusion detection system. Both solutions are combined and Performance of AODV and Modified AODV protocol is analysed under both attacks with respect to Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End-to-End Delay and Routing Overhead using NS2.Item A Comprehensive Review on Performance of AODV Protocol for Wormhole Attack(IJRET, 2014) Kaur, Gurmeet; Kaur, AmanpreetWireless Networking is becoming very popular and interesting technology especially in these days as everyone wants wireless connectivity at anywhere anytime. It contains numerous wireless network technologies such as WiFi, WiMax, HSDPA and WiBro etc. Based on structural arrangement, wireless networks are categorized into two main categories: fixed infrastructure wireless networks and infrastructure less wireless networks. Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) come under the category of infrastructure less wireless networks, which is an autonomous system of mobile hosts connected by wireless links. Nodes are free to move and can join or leave the network at any time whenever required. Wireless ad hoc networks eradicate various problems which may come out while setting up the infrastructure. Communication among nodes in these networks is accomplished via different routing protocols. But these protocols have different security flaws and using these flaws, an attacker can launch many kinds of attacks. Wormhole attack is one of the serious attack in the context of mobile ad-hoc network, which can disrupt any routing channel completely. In this work, an attempt has been made to compare the performance of on-demand reactive routing protocol: Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) with two approaches: normal and attack. The performance metrics evaluated for the two examined approaches are Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Delay and Jitter.Item Mobility model based performance analysis of DSDV mobile ad hoc routing protocol(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014) Kaur, AmandeepWireless Networking has become the phrase du jour these days because of an attractive number of benefits it offers to the end users, by enabling them to access a wide pool of resources and information irrespective of the physical location of the devices used by them across the globe. Mobile ad hoc networks are a kind of infrastructure less wireless networks in which all the nodes act as peers and share information as well as resources. Mobile ad hoc networks are an open area of research since these have not been deployed widely yet. Every research in the field of networking focuses on the efficient, accurate, reliable, secure and immediate delivery of data. Therefore, the routing of data across the mobile ad hoc network is a major concern of researchers all over the world. Several routing protocols have been proposed and implemented to send data efficiently across mobile ad hoc networks. The performance evaluation of these protocols has been going on since a long time. In most of the studies, the focus has been on the variations in pause times and network size to measure the performance of various mobile ad hoc network routing protocols. A very few work has been done on the performance analysis of protocols by varying the underlying mobility models. Through this paper, investigations have been made into the behavior of DSDV mobile ad hoc routing protocol by varying the underlying mobility models. The metrics used to analyze the performance are Throughput, Average End to End delay, Routing overhead and Packet Delivery Ratio. ? 2014 IEEE.Item Performance Analysis of AODV for Wormhole Attack using Different Mobility Models(Excel India Publishers, 2014) Kaur, Gurmeet; Kaur, AmanpreetMobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a type of temporary wireless network, in which the nodes are mobile and have dynamic network topology. Communication among nodes in these networks is accomplished via different routing protocols. But these protocols have different security flaws and using these flaws, an attacker can launch many attacks. Wormhole attack is one of the serious attacks in the context of mobile ad-hoc networks that can disrupt any routing channel completely. In this work, an attempt has been made to analyze and compare the performance of on-demand reactive routing protocol: Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) with two approaches: AODV without attack and AODV under wormhole attack using two mobility models viz. Random Way Point Model and Reference Point Group Mobility Model. The performance metrics evaluated for the two examined approaches are Average Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End to End Delay and Jitter. Along with this, an approach has also been used to analyze participated malicious nodes.Item Behavior analysis of LEACH protocol(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014) Maurya, Prashant; Kaur, Amanpreet; Choudhary, RohitA wireless sensor network (WSN) is an emerging field comprising of sensor nodes with limited resources like power, memory etc. It is used to monitor the remote areas where recharging or replacing the battery power of sensor nodes is not possible. So, energy is a most challenging issue in case of WSN. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is the first significant protocol which consumes less amount of energy while routing the data to the base station. In this paper LEACH protocol has been analyzed with different percentage of cluster heads at different locations of base station in the network. ? 2014 IEEE.Item Impact of Denial of Service Attack on the Virtualization in Cloud Computing(2014) Kanika; Sidhu, NavjotCloud computing is the fastest growing technology in the IT world. The technology offers reduced IT costs and provides on the demand services to the individual users as well as organizations over the Internet. Cloud computing offers infrastructure as a service (IaaS). IaaS provides infrastructure including software, hardware, storage space, network bandwidth to the users on demand over the internet. Cloud computing makes use of virtualization to provide infrastructure as a service. Virtualization is based on the concept that multiple tenants can use the same physical machine with multiple operating systems. Virtualization comprises the vulnerability of Denial of Service (DOS) attack that can affect the performance of cloud computing. A malicious VM attacker can compromise the other guest VM or the host OS. The paper explores the TCP SYN flood attack over the other guest VM by a malicious VM attacker coexisting in the virtualized cloud infrastructure. Different Parameters are analyzed over the victim VM to detect the TCP SYN flood attackItem A Comprehensive Review on Performance of AODV and DSDV Protocol Using Manhattan Grid Mobility Model(IJRET, 2014) Kaur, Amandeep; Mittal, MeenakshiWireless networks have become an epitome of revolution in the communication industry as these have enabled the devices to communicate and access information independent of their location. These networks can be classified into two categories: Infrastructure based and Infrastructure less. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) fall under infrastructureless category in which nodes are able to move thereby making the topology of the network highly dynamic. Due to the dynamically changing topology, efficient routing mechanisms needed to be developed, which led to the foundations of various mobile ad hoc routing protocols. There are a number of mobile ad hoc routing protocols proposed to serve different purposes like security and transmission efficiency. These protocols are divided into two categories: Table based and Demand based. Through this work, table based traditional routing protocol DSDV and demand based routing protocol AODV have been assessed through simulation using Manhattan Grid mobility model. Comprehensive analysis was carried out to analyze which protocol performs better in the assumed scenarios. The performance metrics evaluated for the two protocols are Throughput, Average End to End delay, Routing Overhead and Packet Delivery RatioItem Comparison of classification techniques for intrusion detection dataset using WEKA(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014) Garg, T.; Khurana, S.S.As the network based applications are growing rapidly, the network security mechanisms require more attention to improve speed and precision. The ever evolving new intrusion types pose a serious threat to network security. Although numerous network security tools have been developed, yet the fast growth of intrusive activities is still a serious issue. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are used to detect intrusive activities on the network. Machine learning and classification algorithms help to design 'Intrusion Detection Models' which can classify the network traffic into intrusive or normal traffic. In this paper we present the comparative performance of NSL-KDD based data set compatible classification algorithms. These classifiers have been evaluated in WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) environment using 41 attributes. Around 94,000 instances from complete KDD dataset have been included in the training data set and over 48,000 instances have been included in the testing data set. Garrett's Ranking Technique has been applied to rank different classifiers according to their performance. Rotation Forest classification approach outperformed the rest. ? 2014 IEEE.Item A review of De-facto MAC standard: IEEE 802.11 DCF(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014) Hans, S.; Nayyar, A.Advancement in the wireless networking technologies has drastically changed our world and has led us to new direction of 'Infrastructure-less networking- Mobile Adhoc Networks'. MANETs is a troupe of mobile nodes tied by wireless links in peer to peer fashion. Mobile nodes in MANETs often struggle for the wireless medium access. IEEE have defines certain rules for the medium access control (MAC). IEEE 802.11 DCF is a de-facto MAC standard. These rules have been laid down at MAC sub layer of link layer of TCP/IP reference model. One interesting research area in MANETs is MAC. This article provides a brief review of IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC standard. ? 2014 IEEE.Item Performance analysis of AODV based congestion control protocols in MANET(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015) Bhatia, B.MANETs are highly deployable, dynamic and self-configurable because of which routing is an extremely challenging task in them. AODV routing protocol used for routing purposes in MANETs is an on-demand routing protocol which do not support congestion control as it is not congestion adaptive. This paper discusses two congestion control protocols based on AODV in MANETs. Many authors have proposed protocols based on AODV which are congestion adaptive and deal with the congestion over the network. AODV-I and EDAODV are two congestion control protocols which deals with the congestion reactively. These two protocols are simulated on NS2 by varying the size of data packets. The analysis of these protocols is done with AODV by calculating the values for four performance metrics, namely, throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR), routing overhead and end-to-end delay. ? 2015 IEEE.Item Prevention of black hole attack over AODV and DSR MANET routing protocol(WARSE, 2015) Sharma, Shabnam; Mittal, MeenakshiWireless technology is one of the biggest contributions to mankind. In wireless system, transmission of information can be done without the need of wires and cables. Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) do not have any centralized administration. They are infrastructure-less networks. They do not contain any networking device like routers or access points. MANETs are self-starting and dynamicnetwork comprising of mobile nodes. Mobile Ad-hoc networks require routing protocols for communication among nodes. Due to the lack of centralized management, various attacks are possible in MANETs such as passive or active attacks. Blackhole attack is an active kind of attack in which a malicious node pretendsto have a shortest and fresh path to the destination. Blackhole attack affects the performance by disrupting the normal communication in the network. Therefore, there is need to prevent the network from attack. In this paper, prevention of blackhole attack is done over AODV and DSR routing protocol with Random Waypoint Model. Malicious nodes in the network are known and if malicious nodes encounter in between the route from source to destination, then intermediate node have to simply discard that path and have to find an alternate path.The simulation results show that AODV routing protocol performs best and is suitable for highly dynamic networks.Item Influence of link sensing mechanism of IMEP on the performance of TORA under different mobility models(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015) Kaur, Amandeep; Mittal, MeenakshiThe performance evaluation of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) routing protocols is an important as well as open area of research worldwide. Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) is an adaptable and distributed MANET routing protocol which is dependent on the services of Internet MANET Encapsulation Protocol (IMEP) for its various necessary functions like link status detection. The incorrect link failure detection by IMEP leads to creation of congested network and initiation of avoidable route maintenance in TORA. Thus changes need to be introduced in the link sensing mechanism provided by IMEP to improve the detection of links in TORA. According to previously available research, if the maximum number of OBM retransmissions is increased, significant improvement in the performance of TORA is noticed. This modification has been implemented in this paper and performance of Enhanced TORA is evaluated under Random-Waypoint model, Manhattan-Grid mobility model and Random-Direction model using FTP traffic with 10 connections. The results are then compared with those of original TORA using various performance metrics like Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End to End Delay and Routing Overhead. ? 2014 IEEE.Item Effect of nickel oxide nanoparticles on dielectric and optical properties of nematic liquid crystal(American Institute of Physics Inc., 2015) Jamwal, G.; Prakash, J.; Chandran, A.; Gangwar, J.; Srivastava, A.K.; Biradar, A.M.In the present paper, we have studied the improvement in dielectric and optical properties of nematic liquid crystal (NLC) by doping of nickel oxide (NiO) nanoparticles. We have observed the dielectric and optical properties of pure and doped cells in order to understand the influence of NiO nanoparticles in the pure NLC. The experimental results have been analyzed through dielectric spectroscopic and optical texural methods.Detailed studies of dielectric parameters such as dielectric permittivity, dielectric loss and dielectric loss factor as a function of frequency with temperature were carried out. It has been observed that on doping the nanoparticles in NLC, the value of dielectric parameters (dielectric permittivity, dielectric loss and dielectric loss factor) decreases. The impedance and resistance of both pure and nanoparticles doped NLC cells were studied and found that for doped NLC, these parameter have low value. In addition to this, optical textures of the pure and doped samples have also been observed with a polarizing optical microscope at room temperature. All the results i.e. related to the investigation of dielectric and electro-optic properties have been explained by using existing theory of NLC. ? 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.Item Combinational feature selection approach for network intrusion detection system(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015) Garg, T.; Kumar, Y.In the era of digital world, the computer networks are receiving multidimensional advancements. Due to these advancements more and more services are available for malicious exploitation. New vulnerabilities are found from common programs and even on vulnerability in a single computer might compromise the network of an entire company. There are two parallel ways to address this threat. The first way is to ensure that a computer doesn't have any known security vulnerabilities, before allowing it to the network it has access rights. The other way, is to use an Intrusion Detection System. IDSs concentrate on detecting malicious network traffic, such as packets that would exploit known security vulnerability. Generally the intrusions are detected by analyzing 41 attributes from the intrusion detection dataset. In this work we tried to reduce the number of attributes by using various ranking based feature selection techniques and evaluation has been done using ten classification algorithms that I have evaluated most important. So that the intrusions can be detected accurately in short period of time. Then the combinations of the six reduced feature sets have been made using Boolean AND operator. Then their performance has been analyzed using 10 classification algorithms. Finally the top ten combinations of feature selection have been evaluated among 1585 unique combinations. Combination of Symmetric and Gain Ratio while considering top 15 attributes has highest performance. ? 2014 IEEE.