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Item Restructuring educational programmes for women empowerment. Golden research thoughts.(2014) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitItem Teachers Attitude towards Use of ICT in Technical and Non-Technical Institutes(MCSER Publishing, 2014) Farrukh, Sameena; Singh, Shireesh PalIn this study the group of teachers working in technical colleges and non-technical colleges both are selected to find out their attitudes towards use of ICT as their instructional resources in classrooms. As it is the fact that normally in technical colleges the teachers themselves have quite a good knowledge and are well aware with new technologies and therefore for these teachers the use of ICT as their instructional resource is not a big deal whereas the teachers of non-technical background may or may not be well aware of these new technological issues and therefore for these teachers it can be little difficult to adopt ICT as their instructional resources and they feel more convenient with the traditional mode of instructions in classrooms. Results revealed that there is a significant differences between the Mean attitude scores towards use of ICT of technical and nontechnical institute teachersItem Gender Discrimination: Bane for the Society.(Review of Research, 2014) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitOne of the most significant economic development of 21st Century was the entry of women into paid jobs.The growing participation of women in the job sector was a major trend in all most all the industrialised nations in the 21st century and that trend is proceeding at rapid rate even in the developing countries of the world.About four decades back women particularly the housewives were likely to be in the home pursuing domestic responsibilities of upbringing the family and taking care of husband and children.The demographic changes such as low birth rates, rising number of divorce cases, delay in childbearing as well as other developments such as womens rising educational status, changes in social attitudes and growingdemands of women in job sector are changing the environment at the working place.The time has come that the male dominated society of our country shoud start realising the potential of women fully so that she too can make her valuable contributions to the society and nation as a whole starts progressing towards the path of social, poltical, economic and national development and it is only then we can envision the goal of achieving an egalitiarian societyItem Effectiveness of Student Support Services Provided by Indira Gandhi National Open University(MCSER Publishing, 2014) Mirja, Saba; Singh, Shireesh PalStudent Support Service is one of the key areas of which the success of any Open University depends. However, in classical mode of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, the most important components of evaluation are the print materials and the student support which contribute to the success or failure of a course. (Kumar & Fozdar 2009). To provide effective and efficient student support service, IGNOU has set up a number of study centers all over the country. Students are allotted one of these study centers, taking into consideration their place of residence.Studnets usually approach theses center for getting solved their problems related to course and transition. The Regional Service Division of IGNOU is therefore giving utmost importance to various kinds of support services provided at different learner centers in the state. At Regional Centre all the unsolved problems of the study centers are taken care of and the students are given utmost freedom to approach Regional Centre functionaries for solving their problems. Most of the Regional Centers have a single window enquiry system having internet facility. Besides student queries and student problems, a lot of academic input is also being given from time to time from Regional Centre .This paper is based for knowing the strengths and weaknesses of Student Support Service provided by IGNOU and to find out difference on the basis of Gender and Demographical structure.Item Social Networking Technologies as a Tool for Effective Learning(South Asian Academic Research Journals, 2014) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitDuring the past decade the use of various technologies such as Micro blogs, Digital videos, wikis, podcasts and social Networking sites (SNS) have seen a dramatic increase in their use, especially among the young generation. These tools are described as social networking technologies underlining their ability to facilitate the establishment of networks. The recent advances in field of science and technology in this millennium has opened doors to a whole new world of teaching and learning where clicking of the mouse and touching of screen can work wonders. (Shamshir Singh and Ranjit Kaur, 2011). Social Networking sites (SNS) such as 'Face book' or “twitter” have proved to be extremely effective in connecting people and in facilitating the exchange of information. In addition SNS also fits well the requirements of a social constructivist approach to Education. Boyd and Ellison (2008) define social network sites as "web based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semipublic profile, within a bounded system (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection and (3) view and transverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. SNS (e.g. Face book or my space) are currently the most popular types of web 2.0 services because they are able to combine many web 2.0 technologies into platforms that serve as virtual gathering places which help in facilitating social relationships.Item Role of ICT in the in the context of Women empowerment(2014) Dhillon, S.S.Item Effectiveness of media approach on the academic achievement of class 8th Students in English(International Journal of applied Research, 2015) Kaur, Ranjit; Sharma, Kavita; Singh, ShamshirThe aim of this paper was to find out the Effectiveness of Multimedia approach on the academic achievement of class 8th students in English. The sample consisted of class 8th students in English of Tagore Model School. The data was collected by using an appropriate tool and analyzed by‘t’ test. Pretest-posttest experimental control group design was followed for this study. Means, S.D.s and t-test were used to analyze the data. The multimedia package prepared by researcher for teaching English was found to be more effective for academic achievement of class 8th students in English.Item Effectiveness of ICT blended with traditional method for teaching of human rights(International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and development, 2015) Kaur, Ranjit; Dhillon, Indu Bala; Singh, ShmashirInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is fastly becoming entity in all spheres of life. Use of ICT has fundamentally changed the procedure of all forms of enterprise with in business and governance. ICT also provides great opportunities to enhance educational system. Through ICT students can easily enhance their learning abilities and different skills. Thus the use of ICT in education bestows itself to more student-centered learning setting. The present generation is moving at a very fast pace towards the digitalised world and as a result the importance of ICT in education is bound to grow by leaps and bounds. As a result in the coming time only an appropriate, time bound education can help in empowerment of people with effective knowledge. This paper is an attempt to investigate and study the effectiveness of ICT in teaching- learning process. For this purpose, ICT facilitated teaching material on human rights was developed by the investigator under the guidance of supervisor. The result was found that teaching through ICT is better to improve the achievement scores in comparison to traditional method in teaching of human rights.Item A study of relationship of Family environment with Mental Health of Adolescents of Sirsa district(International Journal of Applied Research, 2015) Kaur, Malkeet; Dhillon, Shamshir Singh; Kaur , RanjitAdolescence is considered as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescent period is considered very important aspect in human life because many developmental changes take place in this period such as physical growth, new peer emotions independent of parent, intellectual skill and so on. The present study was undertaken to examine the relationship between family environments with mental health of adolescents of Sirsa district. The family environment of the adolescents was assessed by using family environment scale by Dr. Harpreet Bhatia and Dr. N.K.Chadha (1993) and mental health of the adolescents was assessed by Mental Health Check list by Dr. Parmod Kumar (1992). 60 Adolescents including boys and girls were chosen from one school in urban area and another from rural area through random sampling technique. The tabulated data was analyzed and interpreted by using statistical technique, mean standard deviation, correlation and t-ratio. The present study will suggest suitable measures to strengthen the relationship of family environment with mental health of adolescents.Item Sensitising the disadvantaged groups through participatory approaches: IGNOU's experiences in Madhya Pradesh (India)(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2015) Pandey U.C.; Chaudhary S.; Singh S.P.Madhya Pradesh is home to sizeable proportion of Socio Economically Disadvantaged population of India. Human Development Index of the state is 0.375 which depicts poor socioeconomic conditions. Infant Mortality Rates in some of the areas of the state have been compared to the Sub-Saharan countries as per the World Bank Report titled 'India: Achievement and Challenges in Reducing Poverty' It depicts a challenging situation and calls for massive Educational Upliftment of the people working in rural and tribal areas. Government of India has sincerely prioritized these issues through successive five year plans, however the situation on the ground leaves a lot to be desired. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have placed renewed emphasis on the capacity building of these communities. India Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) which is the biggest role player of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in India has a mandate to bring such disadvantaged groups in to fold of Higher Education. However it has been a challenging job from several points of views as most of the target groups requiring immediate attention are too vulnerable, poorly capacitated to adopt new practices and nearly cut off from the urban centred educational facilities. The areas inhabiting such communities have low penetration of Newspapers, TV or Radios and ODL systems with their paradigmatically different ways of teaching learning are yet to take roots in these areas. It has been a big challenge for IGNOU to reach out to such Disadvantaged Communities, sensitize them through suitable Confidence Building Measures and involve them in the ODL Programmes to strengthen their livelihoods. Despite various initiatives taken up by ministry and other institutions, there is a vacuum of information among the disadvantaged communities. It is now well realised and understood that capacity building systems for such target groups need to be radically different from 'Business as Usual Approach'. Authors of this paper have the experience of working for the Promotion, Monitoring and Supervision of ODL programmes in these areas. During 2012-13 a series of "Out of Box Approaches" were initiated by the authors for sensitising these communities. Results have been overwhelming with sizeable participation of people from disadvantaged communities. This paper highlights such new participatory approaches to sensitise the communities and results of such interventions. The paper has been divided in to Four Parts. Part-I describes the socio economic conditions of these areas and the constraints by the people in accessing information. Part-II describes the Confidence Building Measures like 'Khula Manch' [Open Interactive Sessions with Community] initiated by the IGNOU Regional Centre Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and the response of the communities for such interventions. Part-III describes the initiatives taken by the Regional Centre to sensitise Slum Dwellers in Bhopal. This section also highlights Academic Support Services extended to Slum Dwellers in Slum Areas and the results of such interventions. Part 'IV describes the experiences of joint initiatives with 'Village Panchayats' in rural areas of District ' Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh and lastly Part-V describes overall Conclusions and Recommendations. - 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved.Item A study of work valuses relation to occupational self efficacy and job satistification of secondary school teachers(Academica : International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and development, 2015) Kaur, Ranjit; Kumar, Krishan; Singh, Shamshir Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Boys and Girls: A Comparative Study(SRJIS, 2015) Pany, SesadebaThe present study focuses on the creative thinking ability of the primary school students with reference to their gender and type of school. In this context data were collected from 100 government ((50 boys & 50 girls) and 100 private primary (50 boys & 50 girls) school students. The study was conducted with the objectives like to compare the creative thinking ability of primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school students, to compare the creative thinking ability of government primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of private primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school boys, and to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school girls. The findings of the study are the primary school boys and girls, students of government and private primary schools, government primary school boys and girls, government and private primary school boys differ significantly on their creative thinking ability whereas the private primary school boys and girls, and the government and private primary school girls do not differ significantly on their creative thinking abilityItem Problems of frustration, aggression and low self esteem among adolescents(International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and developmentI, 2015) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitThe young generation of our country is being increasingly confronted with the problems of frustration, anger and development of low self esteem in the present age of science and technology. The problem of inferiority complex among adolescents is taking alarming proportions these days.Inferiority complex is a kind of psychological obstacle that occurs usually in adolescence and its reasons are complicated and its effects are negative and harmful.According to Adler, Inferiority complex arises when a person finds himself in a situation where his abilities and attitudes are denigrated or rejected by other people. Inferiority complex is a magnification of natural feelings of inferiority and results when strivings to overcome inferiority are greatly hindered. Anything in the individual that is below the average, or gives him a feeling of impotency or ineptitude leads to inferiority complex. Adolescents who consistently fail or repeat classes are found to develop inferiority complex and a non progressive attitude towards school and peersItem Sensitising the disadvantaged groups through participatory approaches: IGNOU?s experiences in Madhya Pradesh (India)(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2015) Pandey, U.C.; Chaudhary, S.; Singh, S.P.Madhya Pradesh is home to sizeable proportion of Socio Economically Disadvantaged population of India. Human Development Index of the state is 0.375 which depicts poor socioeconomic conditions. Infant Mortality Rates in some of the areas of the state have been compared to the Sub-Saharan countries as per the World Bank Report titled ?India: Achievement and Challenges in Reducing Poverty? It depicts a challenging situation and calls for massive Educational Upliftment of the people working in rural and tribal areas. Government of India has sincerely prioritized these issues through successive five year plans, however the situation on the ground leaves a lot to be desired. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have placed renewed emphasis on the capacity building of these communities. India Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) which is the biggest role player of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in India has a mandate to bring such disadvantaged groups in to fold of Higher Education. However it has been a challenging job from several points of views as most of the target groups requiring immediate attention are too vulnerable, poorly capacitated to adopt new practices and nearly cut off from the urban centred educational facilities. The areas inhabiting such communities have low penetration of Newspapers, TV or Radios and ODL systems with their paradigmatically different ways of teaching learning are yet to take roots in these areas. It has been a big challenge for IGNOU to reach out to such Disadvantaged Communities, sensitize them through suitable Confidence Building Measures and involve them in the ODL Programmes to strengthen their livelihoods. Despite various initiatives taken up by ministry and other institutions, there is a vacuum of information among the disadvantaged communities. It is now well realised and understood that capacity building systems for such target groups need to be radically different from ?Business as Usual Approach?. Authors of this paper have the experience of working for the Promotion, Monitoring and Supervision of ODL programmes in these areas. During 2012-13 a series of ?Out of Box Approaches? were initiated by the authors for sensitising these communities. Results have been overwhelming with sizeable participation of people from disadvantaged communities. This paper highlights such new participatory approaches to sensitise the communities and results of such interventions. The paper has been divided in to Four Parts. Part-I describes the socio economic conditions of these areas and the constraints by the people in accessing information. Part-II describes the Confidence Building Measures like ?Khula Manch? [Open Interactive Sessions with Community] initiated by the IGNOU Regional Centre Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and the response of the communities for such interventions. Part-III describes the initiatives taken by the Regional Centre to sensitise Slum Dwellers in Bhopal. This section also highlights Academic Support Services extended to Slum Dwellers in Slum Areas and the results of such interventions. Part ?IV describes the experiences of joint initiatives with ?Village Panchayats? in rural areas of District ? Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh and lastly Part-V describes overall Conclusions and Recommendations. ? 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved.Item Development of Decision Making Style Scale for Senior Secondary Students(Review of Research, 2015) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitDecision making is one of the core activities of education and is an essential element in any process to be executed. Decision making can be considered as a cognitive process that results in the selection of a certain belief or a course of action among some alternative possibilities. Every decision making process produces a final choice that may or may not inspire our actions. The present study is aimed at developing a tool on Decision Making Styles. After consultation with various experts in different fields of education, 44 items were selected initially from a draft of 50 items. Sample of 100 students were selected randomly for preliminary tryout from Sirsa district. In preliminary tryout 26 items were selected from 44 items. Second sample of 300 students were randomly selected for final tryout from the same population of Sirsa district. The main purpose for the development of this tool was to check the ability of students that how they make decisions about their career, educational decisions or decisions about their life.The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 18) was employed for the purpose of data entry, manipulation and analysis. Validity and reliability of the items were also checkedItem Vocational education in higher secondary schools(Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, 2015) Singh, Shireesh Pal; Singh, S.P.; Grover, S.; Padmanabhan, J.The competent and trained manpower would be contributing significantly to the industrial development of the nation by establishing small industries. Rapid changes in technology, expansion of market, industrial policies of the Government, coming in of more multinationals due to liberalization have revolutionized the aspect of Vocational Education at present the object of vocational education can be achieved by adequate school management. When we talk about objectives of vocational education, we mean to prepare students for self-employment and develop them as skilled manpower. Vocationalisation of Secondary Education is important from the point of view of the economic development of the developing country like ours. Such an education will inculcate the habit of hard work and dignity of labor among the students. This programme will help to solve the problem of unemployment and prepare the way for self-employment. The Present paper is the outcomes of the study of vocational education in higher secondary schools of Bhopal division Bhopal Division comprises of Bhopal, Raisen, Vidhisha, Sehore and Rajgarh districts. Vocational Courses were introduced for the first time in 1988. According to the figures of 1996- 1997 Vocational Courses introduced in thirty-one schools of Bhopal division. For study ten schools where vocational courses are running, selected by investigators randomly. Data collected with the help of various tools like questionnaire and interview schedules. Results of the study reveal that there is a need to strengthen vocational education in the region. ? 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved.Item Integrated approach to ESD towards enhancing Knowledge on sustainable development(Scientific Publishing House, 2016) Padmanabhan, Jubilee; Singh, Shireesh PalSustainable Development (SD) is one the most discussed issue now days, which is gaining priority day by day due to the exploitation of nature in a drastic way. It is from this apprehension that ‘Education for sustainable development’ (ESD) emerged with an immediate urge to preserve and conserve our nature and natural resources. The concept of ESD entangles the different countries and states across the world as a whole for a sustainable society, which merges the environment, economic and social dimensions. The paper discusses about the effect of integrated approach to education for sustainable development on the students’ knowledge on sustainable development. The investigator developed a curriculum by integrating SD concepts into science and social science of VII standard of NCERT syllabus and various learning activities for their transaction by incorporating several pedagogical strategies that lead to constructing knowledge, developing social perspectives and analytical abilities.The study was of quasi experimental in nature with two group pre-test- post-test design, whereby the integrated curriculum was taught to the experimental group for about five months and the control group was exposed to the conventional curriculum and methodology. It was found that there was a significant difference on the knowledge on sustainable development between experimental and control group. The experimental group had a higher mean knowledge score than the control group.On the basis of the findings from the study, it is concluded that there is a sheer need to highlight the importance of integration of SD components in pedagogy at all levels.Item Creative teaching: the need of the hour(SRJIS, 2016) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, SesadebaThe researches show thatevery child is born with creative potential, but this potential may not be unfolded if care is not taken to nurture the creative abilities of the children. This article begins by stressing the importance of creativity in our life. It also highlights what is creative teaching by focusing on some principles of creative teaching given by NACCCE (1999) report and some other researchers to enhance the creative abilities of the students. Since teacher plays a dominant role in shaping and molding the life of the children hence he can apply a lot of innovative teaching strategies to nurture the creative potentials of the children. As such this article deals with different methods of creative teaching becausecreative teaching leads a child to give of his best to society.Item A critical analysis of studies on Sustainable Development(Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2016) Padmanabhan, JubileeAn attempt has been made to discuss about the review of related literature and researches carried out in the area of sustainable development. Literatures from various sources were reviewed to study the trend in the area. The reviewed literature and researches are categorized into i) studies on Environemental Education (EE) - one of the components of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), ii) studies related to issues on ESD, iii) studies on sustainable development, iv) studies on ESD and curriculum, v) studies on ESD and various learning approaches, vi) studies of ESD on the consequence variables like critical thinking, problem solving and values on ESD. From the studies, it was found that there is a huge gap between the theory and practice of sustainable development.Item Foreign students cross culture adjustment and academic achievement in India- A critical analysis(Educational Quest: An International Journal of Educational And Applied Social Science, 2016) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, Sesadeba
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