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Item Blended matters: Nurturing critical thinking(SAGE Publications Inc., 2023-02-07T00:00:00) Jaswal, Pooja; Behera, BiswajitThe Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Learning Framework-2030 presents critical thinking as one of the transformative competencies for incorporation into the curriculum. Critical thinking refers to one�s ability to distinguish relevant information from irrelevant information, relate ideas, infer and justify whether a particular assumption is acceptable or unacceptable. This article argues that blended learning provides a concrete and meaningful context for enhancing learners� critical thinking. Through collaboration, blended learning makes it possible to control, observe interactions, regulate tasks, and mediate in the acquisition of new knowledge. This form of collaboration creates a student-centered learning environment. Such a shift prompts to examine three objectives: (1) comprehend the creation of a blended learning environment. (2) discuss the characteristics of collaborative blended learning. (3) examine the role of collaboration in developing critical thinking among learners. To achieve the purpose of implementing a blended learning strategy in the classroom, the classroom teacher must create collaborative and participative learning experiences. Blended learning brings collaborative experience to develop higher-order thinking skills such as critical thinking. � The Author(s) 2023.Item Children with Specific Learning Disorder: Identification and Interventions(New Delhi Publishers, 2017) Kaur, Amandeep; Padmanabhan, JubileeSpecific Learning Disorder (SpLD) as a ‘Disorder’ has started attaining considerable attention recently because of the felt need to ensure timely identification and intervention for the betterment of the present and future suffering of such children. For achieving this purpose, better understanding of every aspect of SpLD is very essential for the teachers, as he/she has the responsibility towards such students being specially able children and it is necessary to guide and train them in proper direction. While highlighting the need and importance of early identification of the students with specific learning disorder, this paper will focus on the various tools and techniques for the screening of SpLD; national and international level programs and policies and school based interventions that can facilitate the learning which can give wings to the dreams of such students.Item Constructivist Pedagogy: The imperative for Meta Cognitive Reflection(AIU House, 2018) Behera, BiswajitItem Constructivist Pedagogy: The imperative for Meta Cognitive Reflection (MCR)(Regional Institute of Education,Ajmer, 2018) Behera, BiswajitThe core of learning is to develop basic forms of understanding which is characterized by forms and processes of verification, validation and justification, knowledge creation and creativity. Both explicit and articulated knowledge as well as tacit and experiential knowledge, creativity and excellence are all integral to the form of knowledge and knowing. It is therefore to organize learning experiences to empower ‘learners’ and ‘transform learning’. Reflection is critical to learning and transfer; it means to be embedded in assessment. A related approach is to require learning to serve a Meta cognitive reflection (MCR). This strategy is the presentation of multiple perspectives to learners by providing multiple representations on the content because there is no single schema. Therefore, Constructivist pedagogy can become the medium for practices of reflection. Strategies like reflective lesson logs, reflective journal, self assessment questions, wait time and group processing which provide opportunities for use of Meta cognitive reflection are suggested. Key words: Constructivist pedagogy, Reflection, Meta cognitive reflection (MCR)Item Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Elementary Schools of Punjab: An Evaluative Study(Central University of Punjab, 2019) Singh, Narinder; Pany, SesadebaThe purpose of the research was to study the awareness, practice and problems related to CCE with respect to the rural and urban upper primary school teachers and administrators. It also aimed to investigate the practice and problems related to CCE as faced by the rural and urban upper primary school students. In addition to it, the training needs of the teachers were also explored and attempt was made to obtain information about the status of upper primary schools of Punjab in order to evaluate the status of CCE. Considering the quantitative results on awareness component, it was revealed that there are more number of rural teachers (83%) and administrators (74%) who are aware about CCE in comparison to their urban counterparts. These results are also supported by the qualitative results of the study. In the context of practice of CCE in upper primary schools of Punjab, it was found that majority of the upper primary school teachers (74%) and administrators (85%) are practicing CCE in an effective manner by regularly assessing the co-scholastic aspects and maintaining records of the students etc. Both the rural school teachers (83%) and administrators (88%) are practicing CCE in a better way in comparison to their urban counterparts which are further supported by the qualitative results. Majority of the rural (68%) and urban (66%) upper primary school students have reported that CCE is implemented effectively in their schools in terms of regularity in evaluation, framing variety of questions for evaluation, organization of co-curricular activities etc. More number of rural students (68%) have reported the better practice of CCE in their schools as compared to their urban counterparts (66%).The findings also revealed that the upper primary school teachers face problems related to CCE like hindrance in academic work of students due to a lot of co-scholastic activities, difficulty in recording the behavior of students on daily basis etc. It was also found that there are more number of urban school teachers (85%) who are facing problems as compared to the rural ones (79%) while implementing CCE in their schools. The administrators are facing problems like teachers’ complaints of increasing workload, incompetency of teachers in handling a lot of work under CCE, lack of parents’ support etc. There was minor difference in the quantitative and qualitative results. Through qualitative data, it was revealed that the urban and rural administrators face problems related to CCE to an equal extent. The upper primary school students also face problems related to CCE like overburden and boredom due to frequent testing, excessive assignments and project work, inadequate facilities for co-scholastic activities etc. Considering the locale wise comparison of the problems related to CCE faced by upper primary school students, it has been revealed that more number of urban school students (56%) face problems related to CCE in comparison to their rural counterparts (54%). The urban and rural upper primary school teachers of Punjab require training for understanding different techniques of evaluating co-scholastic aspects under CCE and for conducting and evaluating co-scholastic activities. From the responses of teachers to the questionnaire, it was revealed that urban school teachers feel the need of training for giving feedback to parents and rural school teachers need training for organizing subject specific activities and framing variety of questions for evaluation purpose. It was also found that there are more rural school teachers (45%) who need training on different aspects of CCE in comparison to the urban school teachers (35%). Further it was reported that there are some loopholes like inadequate material resources, less organization of activities like NSS/NCC, swimming etc., use of only tests and observation technique for evaluating the students and less organization of parent-teacher meetings. As a whole it can be said that urban schools are in more advantageous position in comparison to its rural counterparts in terms of material resources, evaluation, record maintenance and activities organized in the school.Item Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation: A Paradigm Shift in Evaluation(Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2016) Singh, Narinder; Pany, SesadebaEvaluation is an integral part of the teaching-learning process and has undergone substantial changes over the years.. The teaching –learning process seems to be directionless without a relatively stable and vibrant system of evaluation. The purpose of evaluation should not be only to grade the students as per their level of attainment rather it is expected to focus on the reasons of failure and as a whole a comprehensive idea about the performance of the child in multiple areas. As such evaluation need be continuous and comprehensive covering both the scholastic as well as the non-scholastic aspects of students’ achievement. The present article comprehensively discusses about the different aspects of continuous and comprehensive evaluation(CCE) and its advantages over the traditional mode of evaluation.Item Creative teaching: the need of the hour(SRJIS, 2016) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, SesadebaThe researches show thatevery child is born with creative potential, but this potential may not be unfolded if care is not taken to nurture the creative abilities of the children. This article begins by stressing the importance of creativity in our life. It also highlights what is creative teaching by focusing on some principles of creative teaching given by NACCCE (1999) report and some other researchers to enhance the creative abilities of the students. Since teacher plays a dominant role in shaping and molding the life of the children hence he can apply a lot of innovative teaching strategies to nurture the creative potentials of the children. As such this article deals with different methods of creative teaching becausecreative teaching leads a child to give of his best to society.Item Creative Thinking Ability of Primary School Boys and Girls: A Comparative Study(SRJIS, 2015) Pany, SesadebaThe present study focuses on the creative thinking ability of the primary school students with reference to their gender and type of school. In this context data were collected from 100 government ((50 boys & 50 girls) and 100 private primary (50 boys & 50 girls) school students. The study was conducted with the objectives like to compare the creative thinking ability of primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school students, to compare the creative thinking ability of government primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of private primary school boys and girls, to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school boys, and to compare the creative thinking ability of government and private primary school girls. The findings of the study are the primary school boys and girls, students of government and private primary schools, government primary school boys and girls, government and private primary school boys differ significantly on their creative thinking ability whereas the private primary school boys and girls, and the government and private primary school girls do not differ significantly on their creative thinking abilityItem A critical analysis of studies on Sustainable Development(Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2016) Padmanabhan, JubileeAn attempt has been made to discuss about the review of related literature and researches carried out in the area of sustainable development. Literatures from various sources were reviewed to study the trend in the area. The reviewed literature and researches are categorized into i) studies on Environemental Education (EE) - one of the components of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), ii) studies related to issues on ESD, iii) studies on sustainable development, iv) studies on ESD and curriculum, v) studies on ESD and various learning approaches, vi) studies of ESD on the consequence variables like critical thinking, problem solving and values on ESD. From the studies, it was found that there is a huge gap between the theory and practice of sustainable development.Item Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Foreign Students in Punjab: A Relationship Study(Online Research Book Publication, 2018) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, SesadebaThis study aimed at exploring the relationship between cultural intelligence and crosscultural adjustment of foreign students studying in different universities of Punjab. The sample constituted of 120 foreign students with the gender wise break up of 71 male and 49 female students studying in three universities in Punjab namely Lovely Professional University, Phagwara; Punjabi University, Patiala and Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. These universities cater a significant number of international students. Cultural Intelligence scale for adults was used for measuring foreign student’s cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment test for foreign students was used to measure their adjustment in Punjab. The results of the study revealed a substantial correlation between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of foreign students, as well as different components of cultural intelligence and cross cultural adjustment except that of cognitive cultural intelligence and academic cross cultural adjustment. Further it was also revealed that that the male and female foreign students studying in different universities of Punjab do not differ significantly on their cultural intelligence and cross cultural adjustment respectively. However the present study expects a well-coordinated and planned effort on the part of the concerned universities for enhancing the cultural intelligence of the foreign students admitted in their institutions in order to ensure better academic achievement as well as adjustment to the cross cultural situations.Item Cultural Intelligence as a Congruent to Cross- cultural Adjustment, Decision Making Styles and Academic Achievement: A Triangulation Study of Foreign Students in Punjab(Central University of Punjab, 2020) Kaur, Kiranjit; Pany, SesadebaThe purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship of cultural intelligence with different variables i.e. cross-cultural adjustment, decision making styles and academic achievement of foreign students studying in Punjab. The data were collected from six universities of Punjab with two major considerations i.e. the universities where foreign students were available and the universities who gave their consent for data collection. Convergent parallel design of mixed method research was applied and both qualitative as well as qualitative data were collected simultaneously from foreign students, their Indian peers and teachers. The quantitative data were collected from 350 foreign students with reference to their proportional representation in the selected universities. To obtain the comprehensive information, case studies of 22 foreign students were also conducted. The results of the study revealed that foreign students studying in Punjab have average level of cultural intelligence, cross-cultural adjustment and academic achievement. It was also found that there exists no significant difference in the cultural intelligence, cross cultural adjustment, academic achievement and decision-making styles of foreign students studying in Punjab with respect to gender. Both the quantitative as well as qualitative findings of the study revealed that cultural intelligence of foreign students studying in Punjab is significantly related with their cross-cultural adjustment, academic achievement and decision-making styles.Item Developing Multiplication Skills using Vedic Aphorisms Embedded with Multimedia(PEDAGOGY OF LEARNING, 2018) Rekha; Bawa, Surinderjit KaurThe promising development of humankind is reflected in the education system of any nation. The progress of society is the mirror of investments in the education of young generations. To the best of the knowledge of the authors, the pedagogy used by teachers in our country is still dominated by the conventional system. Contemporary nations leave no stone unturned to build a mathematically literate society to compete with the advancements of the new technological era. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to reframe pedagogy with modern techniques. The change can be brought by integrating technology in the present system of imparting instructions in the classroom of mathematics. The abstractness of mathematics makes it hard for the students to understand the concepts and do calculations with an ease. Teaching through multimedia integrated with technology brings out the best in the child. The combination of multimedia with Vedic mathematics will help students to do smart work. Through amazingly easy methods of Vedic Mathematics, students can solve complex problems with relative ease. Vedic mathematics through multimedia can help the students to develop their mathematical skills too. This paper is an attempt to bring technology and Vedic aphorisms in the pedagogy of mathematics for the development of multiplication skill of mathematics.Item Development of Decision Making Style Scale for Senior Secondary Students(Review of Research, 2015) Singh, Shamshir; Kaur, RanjitDecision making is one of the core activities of education and is an essential element in any process to be executed. Decision making can be considered as a cognitive process that results in the selection of a certain belief or a course of action among some alternative possibilities. Every decision making process produces a final choice that may or may not inspire our actions. The present study is aimed at developing a tool on Decision Making Styles. After consultation with various experts in different fields of education, 44 items were selected initially from a draft of 50 items. Sample of 100 students were selected randomly for preliminary tryout from Sirsa district. In preliminary tryout 26 items were selected from 44 items. Second sample of 300 students were randomly selected for final tryout from the same population of Sirsa district. The main purpose for the development of this tool was to check the ability of students that how they make decisions about their career, educational decisions or decisions about their life.The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 18) was employed for the purpose of data entry, manipulation and analysis. Validity and reliability of the items were also checkedItem Dilemma over values verses needs among youth: An uncertain future(PEDAGOGY OF LEARNING (POL), 2016) Sandeep; Pany, SesadebaDynamism is the basic feature of any society. It is reflected in the socio-economic and cultural component of the society. The individuals keep themselves aware of such changes and also get themselves changed. No one can avoid oneself of such changes. But the focus is on values. Do values get changed in proportional to such changes in the society? Are they automatically get changed or our need compel them to be changed? What is the perception of our youths on values and how they value their needs over values? The present article focuses on all these generic problems concerning the conflicting state of mind of the present youths over the preference to materialistic over spiritual values; fulfillment of needs and desires on one hand and emphasis on values on the other hand leading towards dilemma over preference to values and needs. Our future seems uncertain amidst such dilemma. No matter whatever may be the changing element in the society the major focus of the youth should be to maintain a balance between their needs and values. Generally for need fulfillment values should not be compromised rather a judicious decision is expected on the part of the youth concerning the value of needs ahead as well as the values.Item Does integrated approach to ESD affect critical thinking on sustainable development?(New Delhi Publishers, 2016) Padmanabhan, JubileeThe concept of Sustainable Development (SD) has been of great significance during the last couple of decades due to the exploitation of nature and natural resources in a drastic way. ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) emerged with an immediate urge to preserve and conserve our nature and natural resources for the future generations to come. The concept of ESD aims for a society that attains sustainability by merging the dimensions of environmental, economical, social and political dimensions. The paper discusses about the effect of an integrated approach to ESD on the students’ critical thinking on SD. A curriculum was developed by integrating SD concepts into science and social science of VII standard of NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) syllabus of India with various learning activities for their transaction by incorporating several pedagogical strategies that lead to constructing knowledge, keeping in mind the social perspectives or the context of students. The study was of quasi experimental in nature wherein a control and an experimental group were employed. A non equivalent control group design was used whereby the integrated curriculum was taught to the experimental group for about five months and the control group was exposed to the conventional curriculum and methodology during the same period of time. It was found that the experimental group taught by the integrated approach to ESD had a higher mean score on critical thinking test compared to the control group. On the basis of the findings, it was concluded to highlight the importance of integration of SD components in various disciplines at all levels.Item Effectiveness of ICT blended with traditional method for teaching of human rights(International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and development, 2015) Kaur, Ranjit; Dhillon, Indu Bala; Singh, ShmashirInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is fastly becoming entity in all spheres of life. Use of ICT has fundamentally changed the procedure of all forms of enterprise with in business and governance. ICT also provides great opportunities to enhance educational system. Through ICT students can easily enhance their learning abilities and different skills. Thus the use of ICT in education bestows itself to more student-centered learning setting. The present generation is moving at a very fast pace towards the digitalised world and as a result the importance of ICT in education is bound to grow by leaps and bounds. As a result in the coming time only an appropriate, time bound education can help in empowerment of people with effective knowledge. This paper is an attempt to investigate and study the effectiveness of ICT in teaching- learning process. For this purpose, ICT facilitated teaching material on human rights was developed by the investigator under the guidance of supervisor. The result was found that teaching through ICT is better to improve the achievement scores in comparison to traditional method in teaching of human rights.Item Effectiveness of media approach on the academic achievement of class 8th Students in English(International Journal of applied Research, 2015) Kaur, Ranjit; Sharma, Kavita; Singh, ShamshirThe aim of this paper was to find out the Effectiveness of Multimedia approach on the academic achievement of class 8th students in English. The sample consisted of class 8th students in English of Tagore Model School. The data was collected by using an appropriate tool and analyzed by‘t’ test. Pretest-posttest experimental control group design was followed for this study. Means, S.D.s and t-test were used to analyze the data. The multimedia package prepared by researcher for teaching English was found to be more effective for academic achievement of class 8th students in English.Item Effectiveness of Student Support Services Provided by Indira Gandhi National Open University(MCSER Publishing, 2014) Mirja, Saba; Singh, Shireesh PalStudent Support Service is one of the key areas of which the success of any Open University depends. However, in classical mode of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, the most important components of evaluation are the print materials and the student support which contribute to the success or failure of a course. (Kumar & Fozdar 2009). To provide effective and efficient student support service, IGNOU has set up a number of study centers all over the country. Students are allotted one of these study centers, taking into consideration their place of residence.Studnets usually approach theses center for getting solved their problems related to course and transition. The Regional Service Division of IGNOU is therefore giving utmost importance to various kinds of support services provided at different learner centers in the state. At Regional Centre all the unsolved problems of the study centers are taken care of and the students are given utmost freedom to approach Regional Centre functionaries for solving their problems. Most of the Regional Centers have a single window enquiry system having internet facility. Besides student queries and student problems, a lot of academic input is also being given from time to time from Regional Centre .This paper is based for knowing the strengths and weaknesses of Student Support Service provided by IGNOU and to find out difference on the basis of Gender and Demographical structure.Item Emotional Intelligence of Socially Disadvantaged Students of J7 K vis-A- vis their Academic Achievement(Social reserach Foundation, 2018) Dhillon , Shamshir Singh; Sheikh, Waseem HassanItem Evaluation(2017) Bawa, S.K.
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